Message from @stat
Discord ID: 277140686762016768
they were good, strong men, but their children were born into (((liberalism)))
Lol, yeah because 30-1 is such fair odds
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I want someone to just throw a grenade into the next black bloc
that'd be 10/10
No wonder you cucks love minorities so much. They taught you how to fight and chimpout
"getting ass kicked by Antifa"
give them a nice pot roast
if you're talking about the richard spencer incident
then lul
@everyone Hello all, creator of ANTICOM and admin here.
the guy that punched him was an actual cuck
antifa and liberals attack in packs
they cant 1v1
hey pepe, pls boot this idiot
i want my echo chamber reeeee
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Oh, you mean the liberal degenerate
i didn't know who the fuck that was
yeah he's gonna get banzored lmao
Mazel tov cocktail in the center of a black bloc. Oh wow you assualted Spencer. So brave
until that video went viral
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sucker punch
how brave
ok he's gone lol
mods are gods
wew lad
how weak of that guy to fall over to a sucker punch where the guy charged him and had a spanner in his fucking arm sleeve
gas the liberals tbh