Message from @kontroll
Discord ID: 334641025610153987
you can never have enough microcontrollers
I wonder if those ATtiny84s would be sufficient for my needs. Hm hm.
Actually, feck it. I just want the HID stack ease of the Leonardo type boards.
someone wrote a usb implementation for those attiny85's
the usb stick at the top and the cheapo pcb usb port in the middle are actually attiny85's too
Hm hm.
I have two projects in mind at the moment. Firstly, I bought a tenkeyless mech, and realized I actually *did* use the numpad.
Or rather, 3-4 of the buttons. To control LiveSplit. 😄
As such, a custom li'l speedrunning USB device that just sends some easy-peasy keystrokes would be neato.
I was also a bit pissed. I ordered a small batch of microswitches from a vendor on Ali. The only one that sold them. (Knockoff OMRON B3FS-1000)
They removed them from their inventory after I placed the order. :/
So my plan to check them out and order more if they met my requirements... poof. Out the window.
you could get one of the digispark things then, since they come with the usb connector on the pcb
and with the v-usb library you can emulate a keyboard
oh it was robotdyn not roboduino
I'll have a look at this stuff, for sure.
A closer look, that is. I have opened plenty of tabs already... 😄
my life
i have a second chrome open on another screen
with as many tabs
I have 145 tabs open. 😄
Oh, and since the almighty Cuckzilla is killing off the best addons... RIP tab groups. 👍
RIP tab centre
only gud thing about firecucks
they're killing it in version 55 <:pepestressed:327933525124841482>
It's amazing to me.
why do they keep killing the good stuff
"What's our strongest selling point? Ah yes, an incredibly powerful and versatile extension system! Let's kill it off."
what can firefox legacy extensions do that can't be done with the webextensions api
tab centre
also classic theme restorer
I ended up falling for the iridum meme full time
is this the power of females in computer science