Message from @ultimate-drawmaster
Discord ID: 339638372597366790
why are you awake at 4am <:hyperthonk:327934332545007617>
next thing you know, you're drunk and posting on /r9k/
Because im living that NEET life
And its almost 6am here
I've been living the NEET life since I finished school too
this pack of beer was meant to last a week
I have uni starting soon i think so better enjoy this neetdom
I really should decide when i want to go there
it's so great having the living room to yourself at 4am neeting it out
I'm starting uni in september and tbh I need to fix my life before it starts
Im gonna go sleep though
Gn space cowboy
g'night famalam
i got one of those universal socket wrenches from a new chink seller for 80ยข, bretty good
W2c 1:1 mini nes. They seem to disappear and reappear.
and are they good?
like for cameras/mics
Is there any reason to confirm goods delivered on ali
still leaves some place to get chinked right
^ worth getting?
>less than 10 at any time
@ultimate-drawmaster Try finding a gitzo or manfrotto knockoff, don't get anything for less than $20 and keep in mind that if you have a proper size DSLR, any heavy lens or serious video equipment the head will probably not be strong enough. For video you should get an oil dampened panorama head anyway.
I went ahead and picked up the ebay one I linked before
but if it turns out to be shit I'm not out that much
the reviews are good though
and they've sold a lot
at the very least I can put my tascam on it
But you could've used that money on top of the same money to buy something that'll last
Hopefully it'll surpass our expectations
I'll get a good tripod someday in the future
Get a three legged thing then (or chink $130 knockoff)
plus that ebay one was on sale for like $12 off
h ow is chinese shipping so cheap