Message from @Bad Decisions
Discord ID: 341028593394122753
but for everyday use, why make yourself suffer that much just to save some money
It'd be a great every day carry.
I can't see myself doing anything serious with a laptop though.
weighs too much
Or even spending any reap money on one.
i only have a laptop so yeah
I get why people go that route, but I'd rather just build a desktop at the end of the day.
me too
but i have a 2k€ laptop
because i like to game on it, and i go to school with it, and i use it everyday
It makes sense if you can only have one or need the portability.
and i have to travel a lot and stay in places for some months so i don't want to be stuck in place for a month or two without being able to play vydia or study n shit
I never go anywhere, work in a factory, and run a shop out of my home so I haven't had a need for a portable since school.
I didn't have the room for all of this shit beside my desktop though.
yeah this one weighs around 5kg and i bring it everyday to school and that's killing me
so i wanted to buy a xiaomi air or some bullshit like that
Classic ThinkPad autists could go on all day but all I really use my laptop for is to browse the web and shitpost
T440S gets the job done quite nicely
and how much have you paid it?
250 GBP
Has intel made any progress with their cpus lol
I dont even own thinkpad
On my desktop I have vidya to tempt me.
@transience that's a lot for me, fuck does it stutter on normal internet use or when playing light games?
i mean very light, i'm mostly playing WoW nowadays
not at all, web browsing is completely fine
and I don't play vidya on laptop so I can't comment
even 1080p?
People still play WoW?
i'm playing on a vanilla server because im too poor
He runs winblows so with non shit os you shouldnt have problems with performance at all
but i got hooked so maybe i'll buy the real deal for a month
fedora stop, i don't want no linux
if you need to play vidya on laptop, you're too far gone <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
Why would u want to use winblows
to play videogames
the usual suspect
I dont get you two @transience @Rikiar