Message from @Bad Decisions
Discord ID: 341027973643632651
why do people still use thinkpads?
i mean, other than the fact that they survived for so long
I actually just bought this as a workstation PC.
It runs my vinyl plotter and printer.
then that's great
For $180, its pretty great for what it is.
yeah no i totally support that kind of usage
but for everyday use, why make yourself suffer that much just to save some money
It'd be a great every day carry.
I can't see myself doing anything serious with a laptop though.
weighs too much
Or even spending any reap money on one.
i only have a laptop so yeah
I get why people go that route, but I'd rather just build a desktop at the end of the day.
me too
but i have a 2k€ laptop
because i like to game on it, and i go to school with it, and i use it everyday
and i have to travel a lot and stay in places for some months so i don't want to be stuck in place for a month or two without being able to play vydia or study n shit
I never go anywhere, work in a factory, and run a shop out of my home so I haven't had a need for a portable since school.
I didn't have the room for all of this shit beside my desktop though.
yeah this one weighs around 5kg and i bring it everyday to school and that's killing me
so i wanted to buy a xiaomi air or some bullshit like that
Classic ThinkPad autists could go on all day but all I really use my laptop for is to browse the web and shitpost
T440S gets the job done quite nicely
and how much have you paid it?
I do like that having all my shit away from my desktop helps me focus.
250 GBP
Has intel made any progress with their cpus lol
I dont even own thinkpad
On my desktop I have vidya to tempt me.
@transience that's a lot for me, fuck does it stutter on normal internet use or when playing light games?
i mean very light, i'm mostly playing WoW nowadays
not at all, web browsing is completely fine
and I don't play vidya on laptop so I can't comment
even 1080p?
People still play WoW?