Message from @MarcoZ
Discord ID: 353541006932574208
ok thanks
I'll try out both of those
@Deleted User what do i click on that mug hot deal, is it the one with the free cards aswell?
photo mug
coupon pix gives you a mug for £2.78 or however much it is
I think it tries to spam an offer at you on the site landing page
but I just click away to the list of things to buy
since only the photo mug is on offer
Fuck China.
@Deleted User y tho
@Cole If I told you, you'd ban me for going on /pol/.
I can't ban people
why does this discord exist?
it doesn't respect my freedoms
<:alismirk:230784726615588865> <:aliOK:251417852156837888>
Quick announcement: the /csg/ podcast will be going on a short hiatus as I sort things with my internet. Currently getting dial up speeds and having to use mobile data atm so streaming is impossible. Here's the last episode if anybody has no idea what I'm on about:
that was dappleface, not me
botnet of stream bots to mirror the stream noKappa
jokes aside good luck on that, been dealing with ISPs myself
I can't wait until my 100/40 connection arrives
yeah it's been frustrating to say the least
isps are shit to deal with, especially the cheap ones
based comfy
I'll update you guys when I can broadcast again
fucking didn't know there was so many britbongs here
meanwhile I'm on english convict island :^)
the uk is shite mate
always getting shafted with customs fees
australia is worse
i was going to post a deal on the vsd3s last night but the price doubled when i woke up
really makes me think
australia has more spiders (-) but is closer to japan (+)
we don't get customs but we get fuckin drunk pollies and a fundamentally broken government
I just ordered a tax-evading xiaomeme