Message from @Windatica

Discord ID: 363732763238596630

2017-09-30 16:55:34 UTC  

you just at yourself

2017-09-30 16:55:45 UTC  


2017-09-30 16:55:51 UTC  

His xiaomi went nohomie

2017-09-30 16:55:51 UTC  

mine broke after 4 months

2017-09-30 16:55:55 UTC  

and i asked chink for replacement

2017-09-30 16:55:57 UTC  

and he said sure

2017-09-30 16:56:06 UTC  


2017-09-30 16:56:09 UTC  


2017-09-30 16:56:16 UTC  

lol rite

2017-09-30 16:56:25 UTC  

the address was like 5 lines

2017-09-30 16:56:30 UTC  

i thought he was gonna chink me

2017-09-30 16:56:32 UTC  

but no

2017-09-30 16:58:19 UTC  

If I could sum up 90% of sellers in a pic

2017-09-30 16:58:48 UTC  

>its a joke I am not a /pol/ac

2017-09-30 17:00:31 UTC  

i've been saying this for a long time

2017-09-30 17:00:35 UTC  

chinese are the jews of asia

2017-09-30 17:00:54 UTC  

although then I found this site

2017-09-30 17:01:03 UTC  

but koreans aren't as good at jewing as chinese

2017-09-30 17:03:30 UTC  

>wut they aren't the same?
Jokes aside here are the fake beats

2017-09-30 17:04:06 UTC  

t-thanks china

2017-09-30 17:04:08 UTC

2017-09-30 17:04:13 UTC  


2017-09-30 17:04:31 UTC  

Those are like 87 cents onxe

2017-09-30 17:04:36 UTC  


2017-09-30 17:06:31 UTC  
2017-09-30 17:06:46 UTC  

that was in the thread

2017-09-30 17:06:52 UTC  

wait reallyt

2017-09-30 17:06:53 UTC  

Holy shit take a look at these

2017-09-30 17:07:04 UTC  

Fake beats, bose and other

2017-09-30 17:07:05 UTC  

iirc you stick it into your car and when someone steals your car you can track it via unconspicious usb cable

2017-09-30 17:07:12 UTC  


2017-09-30 17:07:25 UTC  

that image is ant size

2017-09-30 17:07:34 UTC  

jesus fuck, chinese headphones really get you guys going

2017-09-30 17:07:37 UTC  

Oh yeah discord compression

2017-09-30 17:07:49 UTC

2017-09-30 17:07:55 UTC  

Plz discord dont ruin

2017-09-30 17:07:57 UTC  

fake headphones only attract children aka @Deleted User

2017-09-30 17:08:16 UTC  

I have a fetish for this shit

2017-09-30 17:08:32 UTC  

for dogshit quality? then just head over to the flea market and buy up all the $10 beats

2017-09-30 17:08:46 UTC  

and wonder why it sounds like youre listening to a can on a string

2017-09-30 17:08:54 UTC  

I am joking jesus christ