Message from @Gratzl
Discord ID: 378979391377506317
holy fuck those look ***really*** warm
god damnit, I bought a miband 2 yesterday for 19$ now its 18$ on gearbest
cheaper than that m8
Xiaomi Mi Band 2 Wristband
$15.11 (~12.97 EUR)
Code: BAND2
welcome to singles day
you have to add the coupon
Code: BAND2
lots more in
Ohayou my fellow Vietnamese child labour connoisseurs
chaps, tell me about this one
im a lil mad there isnt a list of trap chinkshit
I might go make one
@Gratzl by hand
lol, consider creating a webscraper <:hyperthonk:327934332545007617>
yeah, pretty much but more gay
is /cgl/ in here?
just bought a fidget spinner, a fidget cube, and a knife which one should i kill myself with?
For weeks, I languished in that new, strange, closeted cubicle. After years of telecommuting, I'd awaited the opportunity to get to know my coworkers face-to-face and have some human contact! It wasn't to be.
Cucumbers. Thrice a day--that's an eight-hour work day, mind you--my neighbor crunches on crisp crunchy cucumbers and it drove me insane on only my first day in the office. I couldn't go on.
Should I tell her that cucumbers spread leprosy? Malaria?! My flimsy iPhone ear buds weren't cutting it, and I couldn't just talk to you. That would be too direct.
Then I found these. Today, I donned these lightweight, comfortable, trendy or whatever headphones and I did smell cucumbers at one point but I didn't hear them.
And then I came here to share my story. Thank you.
where the grills hide on 4chan
they have ali and taobao generals
oh do they
damn I gotta check that out
what does cgl stand for?
>buying fidget stuff in november 2017
thanks babe~ taobao general, really useful actually