Message from @Windatica
Discord ID: 378989238076833792
much easier
502 Bad Gateway
RIP Banggood
also if you're really paranoid you can just build your own keyboard
there are plenty of kits online to help you
or you can run wireshark
and hope your microchip controller aint backdoored
(looking at you @intel shills
Well I mean there are physical keyloggers that exist, but nah I am just playing... I don't really have paranoia over that shit. If they want to know my porn searches, they can... That said I was thinking about doing my own keyboard bios/drivers just for the fuck of it...
**11.11 FLASH SALE**
Xiaomi Wiha 25-in-1 Screwdriver kit **$19.98 / €17.36**
I don't need that screwdriver kit
I don't need it
wiha tools are generally really good
I'd rather buy the full ifixit repair kit tbh
I have small bits already
You already own a flashlight but that didn't stop you either
some proprietary size that I've never seen
stop bullying my bank account
@Windatica Banggood says it is and it's the cheapest I've seen a Wiha set so far
( 1 TB HGST 2.5 inch *s are for 40 usd too btw)
Can we have the imgur pinned ? It won't show up in search
what imgur ?
Probably the chinkmas imgur
done did
It was posted there just a few mins ago
is that screwdriver good?
fuck it
its 11.11 im buying it
banggod is fucked amt
Postcount is insane tho @Mad Jack
@fireglow confirmed banggood rep that gets money from wiha screwdriver sales <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
That screwdriver kit looks sexy
it IS sexy
but I have no use for another screwdriver kit
The were like 5 post since in <#367162756270391307> @Deleted User