Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 385137431739105281
plus the jinhao 599 is a lamy safari clone
is pretty nice
and really cheap
>black as my soul
i dont htink iv uesed a fountain pen before 🤔
i probably have i just cant htink of i
oredered myself:
transparent white becuase i'm the kind of faggot that loves transparencies
plus 2 tips
nibs whatevs
what's the difference.. in layman terms
fountain pen... never heard of it
>no clear atomic purple
what is the best pen for my granny.. she likes to do crosswords, sudoku and sometimes takes notes while watching TV
fountain pens rely on ink flow (ink is "wetter" than ballpoints/gel), thus you need no pressure for them to write, as soon as the nib touches paper, ink flows
that sounds nice
ill give them a shot
they better not ruin my workshorts 🤔
please suggest a pen for my granny
old lady at work gave me a pen thats been sitting at her desk for years, was a bitch to clean and fix, but now I own a nice Montblanc
nice, but not very practical 😃
merely a jest m8
chek the infographix, handul of suggestions, most look pretty nice while being cheap
simplicity of the product helps keeping costs down, i guess
yeah but infographs don't help with granny
ill buy a xiami hand grenade
i boguht a set like that for my best friend
shes a writer
ineed to get her a christmas gift
well, i'd start by defining her needs, as in, does she have issues holding thin, long objetcs? shaky hands? what does she use to support the paper she's writing in? etc
fuck would I know...
she is old
mail her a letter asking her what she wants for christmas
g e n e r i c it is then, pck a pen from the infographic