Message from @kontroll
Discord ID: 388838361974177801
I told these butterfuck to cancel my first order
And they don't get it
This is the third duplicate I have received
@Tribit i want to believe
they just keep sending you shit
"friend, did you cancel order? please don't dispute, we will send replacement" *dispatches 5th box of adapters to the same address*
@Windatica >"help my house is full of adaptors"
trust no outlet
imagine if there was actually only one real seller of the adapters
and every other seller is just some poor custumer who tried to cancel their order
but figured out in the long run its just easier to sell them
and the pyramid expands
>it's really a glitch in the system
>they keep sending me two every few days
How many have you paid for?
>in a year with them plugged into each other it'll be as tall as my family home
@kontroll less than NZD$1 a piece
I believe that is the death trap adapter <:alismirk:230784726615588865> @Obolon Prime
they're fine if you're not a complete retard though
why, clive, why
😤 mixtape when
@transience nah
the NZ plug doesn't give you an easy way to plug it in wrong
I see with the british plugs that it's easy to plug just the earth in
@transience >chink trying to defend New Zealand housefires so he can buy cheap property
Not very socially concious if you, m8
talking about chinks
there was a real corker of a cunt who was chinese on a police 10-7 best of show the other night
basically she had locked the neighbours cat in her garage after the cat kept walking in there and supposedly damaging the wall
the conversation between her and the neighbour was quintessental "chinks insisting it's the other person's problem and not theirs"
"please train your cat to not come into my garage"
>"i can try, but I cannot guarentee it'll work"
"well, what are you going to do about it, he broke some of the wall"
>"i doubt cats break wall, but i can only try"
"no, you will"
@johnfrum#8811 haha dae chinese people buying all the houses in vancouver its like NEW CHINA LOL xddddddddddddd