Message from @Cole

Discord ID: 389417526984966144

2017-12-10 13:48:20 UTC  

What sort of off the grid trickery is this

2017-12-10 13:48:57 UTC  

it's in my main phone lol

2017-12-10 13:49:01 UTC  

I don't think I can associate with your kind. I'm afraid of vans and helicopters.

2017-12-10 13:49:22 UTC

2017-12-10 13:49:24 UTC

2017-12-10 13:49:32 UTC  

miuilets btfo

2017-12-10 13:50:20 UTC  

Wow that's at least 10% smaller

2017-12-10 13:50:40 UTC  

Jealousy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel

2017-12-10 13:50:46 UTC  

ree stop opressing my choices

2017-12-10 13:51:08 UTC  

It's okay @Cole enjoy your choices

2017-12-10 13:51:15 UTC  


2017-12-10 13:51:21 UTC  

but MIUI isn't letting me lmao

2017-12-10 13:59:24 UTC  


2017-12-10 14:00:48 UTC  

oh shit tribit is awake

2017-12-10 14:00:50 UTC  

nobody shitpost

2017-12-10 14:01:08 UTC  


2017-12-10 14:01:50 UTC  


2017-12-10 14:05:17 UTC  

@Cole pretty sure MIUI talk is on-topic

2017-12-10 14:05:29 UTC  

what about an ikea shark

2017-12-10 14:05:33 UTC  


2017-12-10 14:06:13 UTC  


2017-12-10 14:06:29 UTC  

mods r asleep
post flashlights

2017-12-10 14:07:00 UTC  

jokes on you I can post my entire flashlight collection

2017-12-10 14:07:11 UTC  

100% chinese slave labor behind it <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2017-12-10 14:07:41 UTC  

i only own a convoy s2

2017-12-10 14:07:43 UTC  

i feel cucked

2017-12-10 14:08:02 UTC  

at least you're a level above windatica

2017-12-10 14:08:10 UTC  

i need the power of the sun in my hand, this is not enough!

2017-12-10 14:08:19 UTC  

emisar d4 my dude

2017-12-10 14:08:24 UTC  

so you can shine like the sun

2017-12-10 14:08:27 UTC  

and also be as hot as the sun

2017-12-10 14:08:32 UTC  

really tho i like my s2

2017-12-10 14:08:33 UTC  

@Cole a level above Windactica is a nitecore tube

2017-12-10 14:08:34 UTC  

winter season is here, hand warmers needed

2017-12-10 14:08:39 UTC  

@Julian rekt

2017-12-10 14:08:40 UTC  

does what it needs to do and has worked for ages

2017-12-10 14:08:51 UTC  

brighter than ill ever need

2017-12-10 14:09:00 UTC  

yeah the S2 is solid, I just wish the low mode didn't have that flash after 10 seconds

2017-12-10 14:09:10 UTC  

what a bad idea to have mode group changes like that

2017-12-10 14:09:23 UTC  

i wish there was a way to lock strobe off permanently

2017-12-10 14:09:41 UTC  

either that or lock it on permanently so i can give anyone who attempts to assault me instant seizures