Message from @anon
Discord ID: 390321673804447754
it's shitty soft steel
@Boaby sanrenmu and ganzo both do decent multitools
Stick to that
Hey /csg/, any of you goons know anything about drones? I got a banggood shopping cart fulla parts.
all I know is I was considering one of those dirt cheap mini ones for shits n gigs
Yeah this shit's gunna be like $50, I'm reconsidering even doing it because I know I'll dick around with it for a few days and that's it
but hooking all the boards up and 3D printing a chassis for it sounds dope and, if I can even get to work, will look dope too.
i got a $40 one from walmart that was surprisingly good
it does flips
tryna go homebrew with it.
only thing is the flysky transmitter, it's way too pricey. it's just there as a placeholder
is that your first quad
if I was you I'd get the syma 5 series
can find it for like $20-30
comes with everything so you get an idea of what to expect
otherwise shit gets really expensive real quick
Are you talking about the drone or the transmitter?
drone, transmitter, camera, fpv screen
I kind of wanted to put it together myself, but it doesn't seem like you can do that all that cheap
if I'm just gunna buy one I'll get one of those meme little $15 micro ones
if you want I can send you my old transmitter
for a reasonable price
How much? I don't know man, I'm starting to rethink this whole thing. I don't know if dropping a hundo one some shit I'm gunna fly around for a handful of days is even worth
the joy would be putting it all together and 3D printing the chassis, and actually having a use for this 3D printer
.. fuck. how much?
you're gonna be probably dropping hundos
on everything
I fell for the meme
I modded a usb port on it
you didnt see shit
and put custom firmware on it
so you can mess with it
so i dont know much about how weed works
but like if i bought this would i get like arressted?,searchweb201602_4_10152_10065_5000015_10151_10344_10068_10130_10345_10324_10342_10547_10325_10343_51102_10546_10340_10341_10548_10545_5130015_10609_10541_10084_10083_10307_5690015_10539_5080015_10312_10059_10313_10314_10534_100031_10604_10603_10103_10605_10594_5060015_10596_10142_10107,searchweb201603_25,ppcSwitch_7_ppcChannel&algo_expid=7f8f9da0-7f8f-4c10-b935-f82d19e0f1ff-41&algo_pvid=7f8f9da0-7f8f-4c10-b935-f82d19e0f1ff&rmStoreLevelAB=0
hemp can't really get you high my guy