Message from @Moonman
Discord ID: 277996931127574529
is there still a uniform debate
no glasses. serious eye injury will occur
@ATG No need to tailor for public opinion. Once people get saved from antifa from people in uniforms
everything is a pr battle
@Anticom LR Patches would be fine I guess or even USA flag bandanas
Not full fucking military clothing and that autistic shit
I bet the perception will be different
fireproof jackets
you need social media to find normies
@Hernán Cortés lol
Dress as patriotically as possible
they gonna have molotovs
eye patches for those with glasses in their eyes
PR = gamergay
no pr = no bodies to help
Yea, US flag bandanas would be a start
THis should be our uniform
We should equip ourselves with mini fire extinguishers
or even better, Thin Blue Line bandanas
Regardless of the standards we set, I'm bringing this fucker.
@Crocodillo deus vult
dats sum good sheeet
nice helmet
Look guys I think we should keep all of the important discussion like uniforms and event planning for when the website comes. That way when @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe vets the trustworthy fuckers into a closed forum we can talk there without getting antifa'd
Shitposting aside, i dont think we should do dead on uniforms, but at least wear colors that we can use to easily identify eachother
@Anticom LR Agreed
Good point in my opinion
Which colors? No way we're dressing up as a autistic group of bees
I brought this up earlier, and someone said there wasn't going to be any violence so why do we need to identify each other
Suit and tie
Nothing too degenerate and savage-looking, as that's Antifa's job, but at the same time let's not walk in wearing fucking riot gear like we're there to wage war
@Anticom LR this
@tinaVey Look at what's happening now. AntiFa have attackedpeople and burned shit but still are shown as "peaceful protestors". Trump supporters have stopped this and are labled violent racist. Don't give them violence from us to point at and make a name for yourself only helping peple
Dress like Trump
@Anticom LR Lets just keep this to loose shit shooting.
Kek, I think we already agreed on navy blue colors. But I don't think we should be having uniforms at all, besides basic shit like patches.