Message from @Jignx
Discord ID: 511234568854962187
19Hours and 36Minutes left, so yes
last time i checked it at the very least replaces a lot of links with their affiliate links
why is this one more expensive than this one
oh the other one doesnt have a 11.11 sale applied to it
Install the extension in a separate browser
Hmm will a 18350 tube make blf a6 small enough to use with keys????
my cart
I'll delete most of it tomorrow
Fucking delet this
Yeah why don't I post a 230000 pixel tall image
@Tervy virtual machine <:alithink:327930371796893698>
Browse using the VM with several addons and buy it on your main os
just no
tfw your aliexpress money tracking chrome extension escapes the virtual machine
Let's make our own ali price tracker that still collects your data and replaces your link with affiliate links, but instead funnels the money into a /csg/ secret santa pool <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
If only there were any competent web devs here. Oh well
the problem is afaik ali doesn't have any sort of api
you need to scrape everything
Dear, ali algorithm is state secret
tfw cant buy on aliexpress for the whole day already
"payment system cannot process the order at this time"
yeah ali got suprised by 11.11 this year
also gonna make rant to off-topic relating to the fucking addons and stuff ~
I think it's a bit of a regional problem?
Got no problems paying for my shit today
im in the netherlands, got 20 items to buy but havent been able to pay the intire day
i was able to pay just fine yesterday and today