Message from @asdfgasdfgasdfaoklk
Discord ID: 288311042587492354
BLACKS commit most abortions
therefor win
What about FBI Crime stats. Not winning there.
The rate of black abortion honestly made me stop being pro-life
I mean planned parenthood was supposed to control black population
Black population? Not whites?
no planned parent hood is to praise moloch
moloch requires child sacrifice
It'd make perfect sense to push it on whites since it lowers their birthrate, providing an excuse to bring in the shitskins
I don't really condone any human sacrifice, even if its a nigger because those lives don't matter. Its just flesh.
Ive never been really that pro life. Didnt care either waybut now im cemented in beijg pro abortion
Planned parenthood has been around since the 50s
I'm not sure what exact decade the "replace whitey" shit was originally thought up so I can't really comment
Margret sanger was very pro-eugenics and hated nigs too
nice find, rarifag
not trying to spam just yo
not even kidding, I might actually use this at some point
my dropbox will serve this discord well
my imgur is just for whatever
thank you based horsefucker
i do it for her and proving my vet
this is the general so enjoy my redpills
oh god I love that one
this is the god you desreve its not the jews its me
PLS respond