Message from @Rythm
Discord ID: 427344038086311936
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Galaxy Song - Monty Python's The Meaning of Life` - Now!
📭 **Successfully disconnected**
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Alex Jones Explains Prequels in 2 and a half minutes to RedLetterMedia` - Now!
**Paused** ⏸
⏯ **Resuming** 👍
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Star Wars Revenge of the Sith Soundtrack : Anakin vs Obi-Wan, the great duel` - Now!
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
👍 **Joined** `Laid Back Room 2` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `botchat`
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Camila Cabello - Never Be The Same LYRICS` - Now!
!play Lady gaga play list
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 `Lady gaga play list`
**Playing** 🎶 `Lady Gaga - Paparazzi` - Now!
⏩ ***Skipped*** 👍
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `Diamond Heart` - Now!
✅ **Enqueued `11` songs**
🙅 **No permission to connect to** `Debate Team Room`
❌ **You need to be in the same voice channel as Rythm to use this command**
👍 **Joined** `Debate Team Room` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `botchat`