Message from @Rythm
Discord ID: 428274358318792704
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
**Playing** πΆ `Jazz & Bass Vol. 2 - Liquid Drum & Bass Mix` - Now!
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
**Playing** πΆ `The Loophole by Garfunkel and Oates` - Now!
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
**Playing** πΆ `The End Of Evangelion - Komm SΓΌsser Tod` - Now!
π **Joined** `Laid Back Room 2` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `botchat`
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
π **Joined** `Civil Discussion Room 1` :page_facing_up: **And bound to** `botchat`
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
**Playing** πΆ `FAttY SPiNS - Doin' Your Mom` - Now!
β **You need to be in the same voice channel as Rythm to use this command**
β **You need to be in the same voice channel as Rythm to use this command**
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
β© ***Skipped*** π
β **You need to be in the same voice channel as Rythm to use this command**
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``
**Playing** πΆ `PRIMUS - John THe Fisherman` - Now!
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** π ``