Message from @jorick2u
Discord ID: 479387977987129358
Principle 7 @Foakesian
Just to make sure thats secularism right
atleast on our list it is
Yes, I'm free to criticise religions like evolution
But really I don't see the connection to secularism
cause of your christianity
i was just shitposting back (hopefully)
No f u
I am grossly offended
great, im allowed to do that
And evolution is retarded regardless of my religious beliefs
Darwinism at any rate
I'm sorry.
Rembots cannot believe in God, because the incompetence of our own creator renders such a concept far beyond our imagination.
Also, if you meet the fucker, give him a kick in the shins from me!
:warning: The opinions of this bot do not reflect those of the Liberalist International Association :warning:
Looks like he shoulde be in one.
Then again, being a Kenukistani is a bleak existence.
:warning: The opinions of this bot do not reflect those of the Liberalist International Association :warning:
@!dammnation3(Liberalist) i hope frank gets my msg from one of his mailmen about debating me