Message from @Benedict XVII
Discord ID: 485649220800348168
yo I thought Jose was here?
and also damnation?
or are they somewhere else
shit right
I thought he said just on the debate server
Yeah, maraschino is definitely an Italian name.
There's definitely a huge taste difference with luxardo.
that was his USERNAME for fuck's sake
ahhh okay
But, it's ridiculously expensive.
apparently they've dragged me
huh, I didn't know that. The plant they come from, "marasca" comes from Croatia.
That size container by the way.
I was looking at the jumbo can for food service and it was $70.
more than 4$, final answer
My bar/store sells it for $30
I did find it online, cheapest price $16 but goes up to $60
They do make a difference in an old fashioned, but not enough of a difference to justify the price unless you're in a high end cocktail establishment.
ill take a small Kool Aid (tm) with a bendy straw please
Here's slatestarcodex. Academic in content but more casual in tone. He's LOVELY by the way.
@Michael1800 I would check this out tho by the way. See if it vibes with you. If not, then we'll know to suggest a different sort of direction.
@Benedict XVII Ro-bourbon-tussin
@!dammnation3(Liberalist) I FOUND IT!
so ultimately, it is possible
completely shit way to get drunk, but defintely possible
@Hellstorme it is more than love tho. The vow is to love through sickness and health etc., but Catholic marriage is based on Telos and like Catholic applications of Aristotelian causal theory
it's a lot more than that
it's more like you're committing to a value set and an entrance to a new stage of life than you are to an emotion
engagmeent is committing to an emotion
yeah I'm sorry!
lol. the echo doesn't fuck with me at all.
'when you do IT' - Benedict XVII