Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 491010783962988554
Reagan was a weak president. so was FDR.
You can't talk because you aint a liberalist bitch boi
oh I got to drink the kool-aid first.
never question them principles bucko
Will I have to learn how to wash my penis.
nah just snip your foreskin
no problem then
@Czar oof losing faith in the Stepfather?
come to the dark side, it feels good man
movements Sargon has leeched off of- Rationalsts, Gamergate, Skeptics, MRAs, Liberalists, and now UKIP.
How will the White Ni🅱 🅱 ers ever recover after Sargon's beat down?
no n word
this is a christian discord server
Taking a dump on Soygon is always welcomed.
It's beautiful
>Be me
>Best Jew
G-d help the future generations
He sure as shit didn't help ours.
this is gay
to break them down
pizza cheese
a scrotum
Soggy maple leaves
Also possibly Oak Leaves
You’re Canadian right?
chicken skin
LMAO poutine
not canadian
I'm enjoying your guesses but all wrong.
what is it then?
capsule of a massive seroma (basically a cyst filled with bodily fluid) removed from an old lady's abdomen
why the fuck would you show us that
it's not something you get to see normally