Message from @Sétanta

Discord ID: 540033842577276941

2019-01-30 02:58:41 UTC  


2019-01-30 04:52:14 UTC  

Hello There.

2019-01-30 04:52:29 UTC  

Welcome aboard

2019-01-30 04:53:09 UTC  

nice to finally chat with you in real time. lol

2019-01-30 04:53:58 UTC  


2019-01-30 04:53:59 UTC  

also, that tweet cycle was fucking hilarious by the way.

2019-01-30 04:54:17 UTC  


2019-01-30 04:54:38 UTC  

it was on the kevin logan one, right? where he tried to burn sargon for our organization being a nonprofit?

2019-01-30 04:55:07 UTC  

Yeah I think so.

2019-01-30 04:55:31 UTC  

It's always a laugh when the potato speaks.

2019-01-30 04:55:35 UTC  

yeah, we've been a nonprofit since july of last year.

2019-01-30 04:56:45 UTC  

He was also going on about Warski

2019-01-30 04:57:09 UTC  

Or was it Ralph
basically the same person

2019-01-30 04:57:29 UTC  

yeah, a canadian copyright isn't going to effect us at all. we are based in the US

2019-01-30 04:57:53 UTC  

and that's even if warski actually filed it, which there are rumors that didn't happen.

2019-01-30 04:58:17 UTC  

I got a good laugh about it.

2019-01-30 04:58:47 UTC  

What was the TLS LIA split you mentioned? I am vaguely aware of it but i never learned the details

2019-01-30 05:00:03 UTC  

the split happened because the dude's who run the liberalist facebook page are a bunch of incompetent dickheads who were only concerned with riding sargon's coat tails rather than actually taking the principles and doing anything with them.

2019-01-30 05:00:31 UTC  

they were the shit heads that went on warski to debate david ceaderwood and JF.

2019-01-30 05:00:54 UTC  

Ah, I see.

2019-01-30 05:01:41 UTC  

Much as a pain as they've been, maybe we shouldn't lean so hard into the malice to someone who doesn't know the whole story

2019-01-30 05:01:56 UTC  

very true.

2019-01-30 05:02:23 UTC  

so, the warski live thing was the first major disagreement.

2019-01-30 05:02:56 UTC  

all of us were like, you probably shouldn't go on there, the liberalist movement isn't ready for primetime yet.

2019-01-30 05:03:00 UTC  

I don't think there's any amount of money I would go on Warski's show for

2019-01-30 05:03:42 UTC  

i imagine it's similar to rubbing 3-week old feces in your ears

2019-01-30 05:03:56 UTC  

The dudes running TLS were like, we got this and you guys can fuck off.

2019-01-30 05:06:48 UTC  

the about a month went by and there was a minor leak of one of our documents we were working on that got forwarded over to godwinson, some altright shit head that was hellbent on getting famous on BTFOing the entire thing, The TLS dudes lost their shit about it and used that as an excuse to with two of our chairs in tow to lock down the server to the public. and yes, i was one of the chairs that had a hand in the lockdown.

2019-01-30 05:07:01 UTC  

It was a mistake on my part.

2019-01-30 05:07:41 UTC  

and when we reopened the server to the public, the tls guys threw a fucking hissy fit over it.

2019-01-30 05:08:13 UTC  

then we come to major split.

2019-01-30 05:10:28 UTC  

while all of this was going, all of the chairs were working towards a unification with that group because it didn't make sense to have two competing groups splitting resources, but in may it was starting to become extremely apparent that that their leadership just wasn't going to listen to reason on anything, wasn't going to help sort out any difficulties of leadership for the movement itself, and was only wanting a cursory sort of connection with us to use our labor and efforts for themselves and they get all the credit.

2019-01-30 05:12:46 UTC  

there was an incident where the leadership of TLS threatened to cut off all ties with the USA liberalist regional group because they wouldn't just remove someone from who was an open and out member of Antifa who really hadn't broken the rules, they were just in the group. again the the TLS leadership worked themselves into a massive hissy fit.

2019-01-30 05:15:25 UTC  

so, while all of us here were trying to work through their shitfits and get work done, we had a discussion in one of our chair meetings about all of them and how do we handle it. we discussed what the problem was, their leadership, and available options to us on what we could do. there was talk about reporting their group to facebook, trying to have a conversation with all of them to air our greievances and work towards a resolution, or just cutting ties with them all together and out competing them.

2019-01-30 05:16:27 UTC  

we decided to not go through any social media owners to have their group blown apart, and we also decided that we wouldn't be able to work with them so we decided to cut ties with them.

2019-01-30 05:17:02 UTC  

that meeting was recorded and sent to them as "proof" that we were on the attack and trying to destroy them.

2019-01-30 05:18:59 UTC  

so, after that in may i think is when they started banning members of the LIA out of the facebook group for various reasons, pretty much all of it was bullshit.

2019-01-30 05:20:29 UTC  

the president of the USA liberalist regional was banned because of his asscocation with us, and then ran through an appeals process where he had to prove he was reformed for any wrong doing, and wouldn't do it again. which took about 6 to 7 months to get a meh answer.

2019-01-30 05:22:51 UTC  

then jonathan wong stole the UK liberalist page on facebook because he had a page setup as an admin, booted off all of the admins from that page, didn't apologize when he got caught, all because he believed the leadership of LIB UK were going to throw him out of leadership of the group.

2019-01-30 05:23:30 UTC  

so that is the major reasons why the TLS LIA split happened.

2019-01-30 05:24:10 UTC  

sorry, that is a long list of events that happened last year, and we did our best to keep our mouths shut for the sake of the movement.