Message from @parrott

Discord ID: 380377804434309130

2017-11-15 15:10:47 UTC  

We have a process for airing your grievance, and we have been actively and professionally working through the situation to try to arrive at a clear, fair, and sensible conclusion. But you just keep stirring the shit up.

2017-11-15 15:10:59 UTC  

You don't want to do this.

2017-11-15 15:11:23 UTC  


2017-11-15 15:11:32 UTC  


2017-11-15 15:11:48 UTC  


2017-11-15 15:12:46 UTC  

If the Party knowing the truth is trying to schism then this truly is klown welt.

2017-11-15 15:12:57 UTC  

I've had it with your Game of Thrones drama bullshit with Katherine. I've had it with your trying to turn an administrative decision into a public catfight.

2017-11-15 15:13:12 UTC  

Air it out. Don't hold back. Pull the fucking trigger.

2017-11-15 15:13:53 UTC  

I don't want to. I just don't want us to be civics.

2017-11-15 15:14:05 UTC  

You attacked me for this.

2017-11-15 15:15:27 UTC  

I didn't attack you. You attacked the Party, and continue publicly attacking the Party and privately trying to instigate a "schism."

2017-11-15 15:15:57 UTC  

So let's cut it out with the fake niceness. What you need to do is execute your plan.

2017-11-15 15:16:24 UTC  

You want this public. It's public. Present your case.

2017-11-15 15:16:31 UTC  

100% transparency.

2017-11-15 15:20:18 UTC  

I didn't throw away my future to cuck on racial principles. I have been in the Party since about two months after it began. I have been unwaveringly loyal and dedicated to defending every aspect of it. If we are National Socialists, we are not in the business of allowing active and current race mixers to be in charge of anything or even in trusted circles. This should be obligatory. I brought my concern to my local comrades and they agreed it was unacceptable. I am perfectly fine continuing to loyally serve TWP if we answer the Bloodsin Question truly and finally. I have no desire to destroy this Party I have devoted so much to and risked so much for. I also have no desire to betray fundamental and explicit racial ideals even for a couple otherwise great dudes.

2017-11-15 15:21:15 UTC  

If I may say something, me and the entire state of Georgia agree with William.

2017-11-15 15:22:30 UTC  

No doubt 90% of the Party agrees.

2017-11-15 15:22:42 UTC  

Everyone in here does.

2017-11-15 15:23:00 UTC  

It shouldn't even be an issue.

2017-11-15 15:24:59 UTC  

I don't think that's the issue though, in all fairness. I'm not taking sides on this one (not on a personal level, my position on the principle should be obvious), but a scandal in the party shouldn't cause us to go at each other's throats. I trust that the higher ups are handling this

2017-11-15 15:25:35 UTC  

What Colton's referring to is Jones Malone, who has supported the Party as long as Colton but who has a blended family which existed before he got woke. Our leadership decision, while being explicitly clear with him that he and his family were not permitted in the ethnostate, was to permit him to assist in moderating the Discord, a position which he was good at and which was safely secured from Operations or Intelligence.

Upon Colton's complaining, we immediately removed Jones from the position and assured Colton that we will review the situation and determine whether or not it's an acceptable compromise. At no point did we endorse race-mixing or compromise on who is defined as white or permitted in the future ethnostate. But rather than waiting for us to to go through our administrative review process, Colton started trying to instigate a "schism" with everybody he's in contact with.

This is right on the heels of him constantly badgering us about Katherine being in a leadership position while being female. Both Katherine and Jones are perceived by Colton to be "in his way," as he covets her position and he covets the moderator role in the Discord. It's tiresome. We are mindful of his contributions and attempting to give him every indulgence and benefit of the doubt. But if he can't tolerate the pace at which leadership decisions are made, then he is welcome and encouraged to find an alternative vehicle for his work.

2017-11-15 15:26:49 UTC  

Very Trad to throw women up front to fight.

2017-11-15 15:27:13 UTC  

It's an administrative leadership role. The operations division is not an actual military order.

2017-11-15 15:28:01 UTC  

I talk to William and he has never mentioned once wanting to take a position , his concerns are very traditional and Conservative, if we fall back on our purpose, we are useless.

2017-11-15 15:28:07 UTC  

I am recommending to Heimbach that you be ejected from the Party. It's for the mutiny shenanigans, and not for the difference of opinion about leadership decisions.

2017-11-15 15:28:30 UTC  

This is ridiculous.

2017-11-15 15:29:08 UTC  

I am just going to stop speaking, let you guys figure this out.

2017-11-15 15:29:30 UTC  

You already attacked my personal character and loyalties for just bringing the hypocrisy up. Along with Katherine and Rob for being mutilated degenerates despite our chapter being one of the most active and contributing.

2017-11-15 15:29:52 UTC  

I respect your input, Justin. And I don't want anybody to feel like they can't speak up when they feel we're making an error. But there's a constructive way to do so, and Colton's messaging everybody high and low recommending a "schism" is entirely out of line.

2017-11-15 15:30:00 UTC  

No cultured thugs actually allowed I guess.

2017-11-15 15:30:28 UTC  

I said we MAY have to schism. Because of tolerance of race mixers.

2017-11-15 15:30:33 UTC  

I never wanted this.

2017-11-15 15:31:22 UTC  

Pull the trigger. Strong spirited opinions are one thing. But especially given that we immediately stripped Jones, your actions are totally incompatible with Party discipline.

2017-11-15 15:31:40 UTC  

You are fully intent on keeping him around.

2017-11-15 15:31:45 UTC  

As you kept him secret.

2017-11-15 15:32:26 UTC  

"For years" as if most of us don't deserve to know that we are risking everything to be essentially civic.

2017-11-15 15:32:32 UTC  

I am not. He was not kept a secret. He's been working with the Party for years and his family's right there on his facebook.

2017-11-15 15:32:56 UTC  

You doubled down instead of admitting I was right, Parrott.

2017-11-15 15:33:11 UTC  

It's not civic nationalist to accept the contributions of somebody while clearly and firmly holding the line.

2017-11-15 15:33:32 UTC  

I do agree he can help us, and support us.

2017-11-15 15:33:38 UTC  

But he shouldn't be a full member.