Message from @yung
Discord ID: 526925104530063370
Thankfully I left
Before those negros tried to dox me
@CapitalistCuck no one claimed it was taken down by discord
We should be able to host discord servers on our own server PCs
@everyone "Thonk was taken down due to aligning with UnicornRiot". I assumed you were trying to say discord took down the server.
They banned me from the whole server lol
Im in the server rn
The "announcement" tab has one message
So who hate israel?
Israel is dank
Only way to stabilize region, retain democratic control in region
@Deleted User Janitor me bud
@actual_communist_boi has been sent to jail.
<@176452240121266182> aye hello
<@176452240121266182> What did you want to say?
@Make others happy =3 Son no one like's them heck even israel nibbas hate israel
BigChumTime#8032 streamed the vc on thonk on twitch
tomr#0989 recorder the vc and posted vids on youtube
Oh my did they kill someone with that server?
ye they killed me
This is Based
Was fun
@Insane in the membrane it was Alaric
<@&473086066505678858> did it
I was given the owner role as a meme, i dont have perms
they killed someone?
Yes the server