Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 280126959600664576
Schindler's List
never saw that movie lel
It's actually quite good.
im not really into the fiction genre
Mfw this music.
>ghetto liquidation scene playing background
Yeah boy
What song is this Pepe?
Jewish music :^)
Rachmaninov is russian fuggg
I enjoy it unironically tbh
Pepe we might need some help with an Anon
sure, who?
*My friend and I have been trying to infiltrate an antifa meeting in northern NJ or NYC, but so far no leads for me to contact a leader or find a meeting. If anyone wants to help a nigga out it would be appreciated.*
ill say this one last time
if we can figure out how to scrape facebook automatically
then we can join antifa groups on fb
and map all these homos out
this x1000
Speaking of Antifa, I found this
What you need is a programmer.
If you guys wanna hear
stfu idiot
Hey Germany
Eat shit faggot. @animeisrael
@ValentinKaiser 🇩🇪 Please join the voice channel.
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe I have
check out webot for facebook messanger