Message from @Sir88
Discord ID: 384843749764628481
He tried to rope some people into jumping jews and robing them of their jewels
<:samhyde:374715763312951303> <:samhyde:374715763312951303> <:samhyde:374715763312951303>
I think he was an ex skinhead with 3 strikes from what we learned about that guy
Trying to entrap innocent people
I am very wary of the old school guys from the 70s-90s
Early 90s
Some of them are good guys but I typically am to
Yeah, I know many of them are good, but there have been many defectors among them.
I could kick your ass in a heartbeat
Some, I assume, are good people
Y'all niggas ever play Fable?
Sounds familiar
Meh, I wasn't too much of a fan. They made being evil, just blatantly evil or super cucky good
Have yall ever heard of the legend of captain neckbeard?
I don't think that's a story the autists would want to be told
I'm still here goyim. Just permanent afk
Hey there. I found a NSLF propaganda image.
Just for info.
Or rather just for show.
NSLF propaganda was top-tier.
I'm guessing Eli wanted to make nice with us?
Sounds like it
The vibe I am getting from alot of people close to it as well
I wouldn't get to comfy yet. This dude is all about powerplays.
Lol wow.
We all have problems lol.
This is why it should be one banner.
I've left IE. I enjoyed my time there, but I had no desire to countersignal the rest of the movement.
I was optimistic when he took over that they could become more than just a racist college frat