Message from @Yuma County
Discord ID: 279712019652018187
>Posts an A-20
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Looks like it's a fucking obvious "JUST TURN YOURSELF IN" guide
But my Beaner is shit
had a last edit
that's final
@D3VNT It's a B26, I went there last summer
Or rather, that's what the sign said
Come to think of it, I'm not sure what it is.
This here's a B26
But both would be excellent for commie removal
As much as we want to drop commies out of helicopters and planes, it gets expensive. I say those methods are reserved for high profile commies
It's not quite an A20 though, which bothered me at first
So I went to my local college when I heard there was going to be an Antifa meeting in the cafeteria.
Man, if people think WE'RE unorganized.
I sat in a both pretending to study for two hours and they spent maybe fifteen minutes total talking actual business.
Other hour and forty-five minutes was spent talking weeb and vidya.
That's good to hear
Their role models are Master Chief and Soap
They'll just be putting posters up on campus and doing a sit in in an out of the way place of campus.
Spotted an AnCom on /k/
Literally what the fuck
"All cops are nazis because they can tell you what to do"
Fucking wat
Antifa in a nutshell
The state is bad, smash the state
And keep smashing it
While they provide welfare so we don't have to work
It's like they've got their own version of the NAP
But instead of propery rights, it's offending people. Naturually, the ones coming up with this notion are the most broken, emotionally fragile people in the world
Their entire philosophy and political identity can be entirely deconstructed and dismantled with a dictionary and enyclopedia, but this somehow galvanizes them
Can't fix what was never right
^ this
Sure you can
From about a thousand feet out the side of a Sikorsky