Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 281621492788232202
@gabe_brouse In response the second guy in that last pic, in many ancient societies that aristocrats who gained the most from wars DID participate directly in them. Roman patricians frequently fought in battles and commanded their troops. In fact, that was seen as a primary method of moving up the political ladder.
He was at least more centrist/neutral when he was under Comedy Central
ATTENTION @everyone
True, but thats also from the democratic society's side of the argument @Hernán Cortés
The empire is much more based
Whats up pepe
comet ping pong appears to be the location in the podesta video
That's not really confirmed yet
oh shit
But it did make me stop for a second
It could be.
@EcoDIckmcgee can you hear me
get in here faggots
@gabe_brouse The Empire's greatest and most highly regarded emperors were soldiers, though. Augustus, Trajan, Hadrian, Constantine, etc.
@Hernán Cortés talking about the empire in the show kek
No proof to the claim, but it might be worth thinking about anyway/
theres two sides
The democratic society and the empire, which is a monarchy
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Didn't I show you that webm?
Oh. Democracy is overrated. Spain was better off under Franco than it is now, for example.
Spoiler alert
do you want to hear it?
Leftists hate Franco because he was authoritarian and stifled dissent. Meanwhile they suck Castro's uncircumcised dick even though he did the same things and for decades longer. Here's a Fullchan thread for those with an aversion to cancer
@Hernán Cortés do you want to hear it?
Don't spoil the show, btw. I actually wan to see that now. What is it called?
Legend of galactic heros
Its free on jewtube
and translated if you're a pleb like me