Message from @Odalist Refrain
Discord ID: 276943442347819008
I havent heard of any in Dallas
havent seen any antifa in new orleans but the place is a liberal shithole so they're bound to show up eventually
@mitchpeter Yeah there supposed to be one next weekend. But not sure if it's safe.
They are mostly in central and western states
the biggest college here is SMU which is relatively conservative
yeah. I'm waiting until I get a feel for these groups
NY is trash
no doubt they will send infiltrators
What merit is there to infiltrating Antifa?
I wouldn't doubt they already have
St louis, cali, portland, seattle, major areas of ops
Huh. So this is how it fuckin' ends.
Even molymeme said it, no more arguments lmao
the time for arguments
has passed
we /directaction/ now
Time for helicopter rides
I live in Seattle, I can run around and do shit
@Odalist Refrain No shit?
anyone that wants the link to the list dm me
What list?
its not like i have anything to hide
everything is a honeypot and we're all going to jail
shit i'll save yall some time if this is a honeypot
@Odalist Refrain you think this is global/antifa trap?
i'm Daniel Bordelon
The Jews are responsible for 9/11
dont give a fuck
not in Trump's America though
trace my ip or whatever
it's set to FoF only
my dad is Cajun