Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ
Discord ID: 532599231085543454
you where responding to me.
I was just saying that even commiting a fucking suicide is better than just whining like a bitch about shit
I think it might straight up be immoral to force someone to exist without their consent (yes I eralize a nonexistient person cant consent to eanything)
First thing - morality is absoultely arbitrary and was created by people themselves
that's why I'm giving my own opinion on it
And the second thing is that no one forces you to exist
You were forced to start existing, which is a different thing
I was forced to start existing
now that I exist I'm afraid to stop existing
but before I existed I didn't have any emotion at all
Well, then you're just a fucking pussy if you don't want to exist but at the same time you're too afraid of not existing to do anything about it
And you think about the life wrong way
You're mostly talking about past, which is pretty irrelevant, because it has already happened
And it doesn't matter, what you would like to happen then, it only matters what do you want now, in this very exact moment
So, if you want existing more than ceasing to exist, then just keep doing that
And if you like the other option more - then sure, go for it
And that's fucking it
Caring about what have already happened is pointless, the only thing that matters is what happens now and what may happen
Because these are the things you can have any influence on
I can't keep existing forever, and that fills me with terror.
Time goes by so fast and when I'm on my death bed, what do I do?
I've run out of time.
That doesn't make any sense of me
Why would the fact, that we all will cease to exist one day, be horrifing anyway?
I'd say that I'm glad that I'm not going to live forever
i want to go back home to the rest of the universe
'you' don't get to go anywhere
Because you stop existing
yeah, well where do my atoms go you heckin moron
matter just doesnt stop existin'
They get digested by the cannibal, of course
And fused into iron to power his atomic reactor metabolism, I guess
i'm still down
Why are you down though?
slang laure
Imagine being an anti natalist
It is Wednesday FC.
And no werk today because it fuckin stormed
it is Wednesday my dudes