Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ
Discord ID: 544214003048775693
```Name: Hamburger
Age: 27
Gender: im boy
Sexuality: mostly straight
Timezone: central
Hobbies: games, drawing, cooking
Games: most games, but for team games i like league, R6 siege, L4D, OpenTTD
Anime: I like mech shows, slice of life, comedies, shounen. Not anime but i like toku sometimes
Fun Fact: i got nothing```
Worst thing I saw this year
Varg is really losing it. Watch his latest vids then watch vids from 2017.
In the last one he literally calls euronymous a commie to justify himself lel
Euronymous was literally a commie though
How is he "losing it"? He seems the same as usual
It's decided, I'm gonna become an electrician
Probably pissed because he feels like hes the only person doing anything productive against society
Its gonna get spicy
he did one of Jones vs Shitpiro
this is great