Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ
Discord ID: 543237013076181002
Jewish tricks
Aliens created us
The virgin rogan vs the chad jones
That whore tinks she's real funny and quirky and not like the other girls hehe i have a strong urge to hit her with a hammer and shove the barrel of that gun into her throat
Pol being a shithole is nothing new
```Name: Hamburger
Age: 27
Gender: im boy
Sexuality: mostly straight
Timezone: central
Hobbies: games, drawing, cooking
Games: most games, but for team games i like league, R6 siege, L4D, OpenTTD
Anime: I like mech shows, slice of life, comedies, shounen. Not anime but i like toku sometimes
Fun Fact: i got nothing```
Worst thing I saw this year
Varg is really losing it. Watch his latest vids then watch vids from 2017.
In the last one he literally calls euronymous a commie to justify himself lel