Message from @Exquisite Corpse
Discord ID: 588580685330251810
Alex is desperate
It be like that when you get banned from payment processors.
Somebody put this in front of my eyeballs so now you have to look at it too.
Did you just try and diss the bear flag
White stands for surrender, bottom red stripe stands for the ocean of blood of defeated californians, bear is facing left towards the red star of china(its future), and the bear in the grass stands for gay men roaming the parks for children to prey upon.
God bless California
Imagine having words on your flag.
If the red represents blood, it's Mexican Blood
Its actually really cool but is completely ruined by being California
A shame
The real question is what gender the bear is
The only way to improve the flag is with another head and another word
Imagine liking the NCR.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Imagine liking a faction where the leader admits it's purpose is to break against the NCR or the Ocean, whichever comes last.
Ocean it is.
Better than just re-creating the exact same nation that created the wasteland.
An army armed to the teeth with m16's and power armor and vertibirds is going to fall to the army LARPing in football uniforms swinging sharpened road signs?