Message from @baconandroid

Discord ID: 610539881072033834

2019-08-12 18:21:00 UTC  

You're weirdly obssessed about killing people as for a christcuck

2019-08-12 18:21:21 UTC  

Seriously though, that first comment is so much a summary of every discussion about gunlaws here I have with Yanks

2019-08-12 18:21:47 UTC  

"But what if someone assaults you"
"But who the fuck would assault me"

2019-08-12 18:21:49 UTC  

the whole point of gun laws is to stop guns from getting in the hands of criminals, but a 6 shot blackpowder revolver can be used to hold up pretty much any store anywhere

2019-08-12 18:22:44 UTC  

like that gun can be used by criminals just like a modern revolver as long as you don't get in a gunfight with the police

2019-08-12 18:23:03 UTC  

I mean, I'm not mad, it's pretty based

2019-08-12 18:23:05 UTC  

but still

2019-08-12 18:23:12 UTC  

Well it could be, but they still prefer knives

2019-08-12 18:23:24 UTC  

Armed robberies are rather rare here

2019-08-12 18:23:43 UTC  

Robberies in general are rare

2019-08-12 18:25:06 UTC  

less colored people

2019-08-12 18:25:51 UTC  

We are coloured people

2019-08-12 18:25:55 UTC  


2019-08-12 18:26:19 UTC

2019-08-12 18:26:21 UTC  

>you don't have the nigger problem if 98% of your population are niggers

2019-08-12 18:26:46 UTC  

I'm not gonna post the same white negroes of Yurop thing cause everyone already seen it here

2019-08-12 18:27:02 UTC  
2019-08-12 18:27:05 UTC

2019-08-12 18:27:18 UTC  

Here you have a detailed description of gun laws here

2019-08-12 18:27:30 UTC  


2019-08-12 18:27:40 UTC  

What no

2019-08-12 18:27:52 UTC  

ok, like slavs are niggers is a meme, but like you guys are actually white don't worry

2019-08-12 18:28:13 UTC  

I have a woke serbian friend he's white

2019-08-12 18:28:19 UTC  

No we're not stop insulting me white boi

2019-08-12 18:28:27 UTC  

slavs are huwhite

2019-08-12 18:28:40 UTC  


2019-08-12 18:28:57 UTC  

O shit sorry, wouldn't want to be killed by a six shot blackpowder revolver

2019-08-12 18:29:20 UTC  

We're honorary black

2019-08-12 18:29:21 UTC  


2019-08-12 18:32:47 UTC  

there's polish people in canada too, a whole wack of them actually

2019-08-12 18:33:18 UTC  

one million according to wikipedia

2019-08-12 18:33:18 UTC  

Read the article

2019-08-12 18:33:35 UTC  


Haiti's first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines called Polish people "the White Negroes of Europe", which was then regarded a great honour, as it meant brotherhood between Poles and Haitians.```

2019-08-12 18:33:41 UTC  

yeah I know, black people like the polish for standing up to whity

2019-08-12 18:33:59 UTC  

Based Haitian bros

2019-08-12 18:35:02 UTC  

```Many years later François Duvalier, the president of Haiti who was known for his black nationalist and Pan-African views, used the same concept of "European white negroes" while referring to Polish people and glorifying their patriotism```

2019-08-12 18:35:55 UTC  

Haitians are the worst niggers, they killed all of the white people and then starved for the next 200 years until whites gave them international aid again

2019-08-12 18:36:05 UTC  

```One of the most worshiped Polish religious symbols is the icon named the Black Madonna of Częstochowa which was absorbed by the Haitian Voodoo cult as Erzulie, or Ezili Dantor. This image of black Virgin Mary holding the dark-skinned Infant Jesus that influenced the vision of one of the Haitan Loa spirits was originally brought to Haiti by the Polish soldiers who settled there and never returned to Poland```

2019-08-12 18:36:22 UTC  

Killing white "people" is ultra based