Message from @laurefinwë

Discord ID: 549004483380772864

2019-02-23 23:01:28 UTC  

That's a different case

2019-02-23 23:01:41 UTC  

Dogs breeds have only existed for less than a couple centuries

2019-02-23 23:01:59 UTC  

Oh lol its suddenly different. How convenient for you

2019-02-23 23:02:11 UTC  

They are basically what would happen if few families would start fucking in a incestous way for several generations

2019-02-23 23:02:31 UTC  

Thatbhas literally happened

2019-02-23 23:02:38 UTC  

T. United kingdom

2019-02-23 23:02:53 UTC  

T. Jews

2019-02-23 23:02:57 UTC  

For this reason I'd say that aristocracy was the only modern race of human

2019-02-23 23:03:14 UTC  

Jews kind of, but there still was far, far more diversity

2019-02-23 23:03:19 UTC  

Actually most white people had to have been inceztuous at some point to maintain 100% purity this long

2019-02-23 23:04:48 UTC  

"White race" emerged only few thousands years ago iirc, and they didn't maintain any purity

2019-02-23 23:05:21 UTC  

I've got so many articles for that, but I have to find them first

2019-02-23 23:05:47 UTC  

Jews dont have that much diversity

2019-02-23 23:06:01 UTC  

They have many genetic disorders because theyre so inbred

2019-02-23 23:06:26 UTC  

It depends what Jews, and yes, they are inbred
But even that's not comparable to how dogs are inbred

2019-02-23 23:06:51 UTC  

The only population more inbred than jews by rate of genetic disorder are french canadians

2019-02-23 23:06:58 UTC  

Other domestic animals are inbred too, but dogs are a special case here

2019-02-23 23:07:08 UTC  

Didn't know that

2019-02-23 23:07:18 UTC  

Ashkenazi and Sephardic jews both have high rates of genetic disorders

2019-02-23 23:07:36 UTC  

And that sounds pretty dubious, I'd rather guess some Polynesians or Indians in isolated communities

2019-02-23 23:07:48 UTC  

I mean, I'm pretty sure that can't be true

2019-02-23 23:07:50 UTC  

Esp Tay Sachs

2019-02-23 23:11:45 UTC  

I dunno about all of that tbh, I still want to believe in the whole *tabula rasa* bullshit
I was supposed to get rid of all my idealistic romantic views, but there are some that are just too hard to abolish

2019-02-24 06:03:21 UTC

2019-02-24 06:04:00 UTC  


2019-02-24 06:04:28 UTC  

That shirt

2019-02-24 06:04:34 UTC  

Anything to make it easier for MS-13

2019-02-24 06:04:45 UTC  

>defend communities
>defund police

2019-02-24 06:04:58 UTC  

I agree but for completely different reasons

2019-02-24 21:45:47 UTC

2019-02-25 00:08:54 UTC  

>female hypergamy will do more damage than WW2

2019-02-25 00:08:56 UTC  


2019-02-25 00:09:07 UTC  

this is unironically true

2019-02-25 00:10:14 UTC  

more men have probably had their lines wiped out from tinder than from war

2019-02-25 00:13:23 UTC

2019-02-25 00:13:43 UTC  

>when women are so bad you set aside your hatred of the jews

2019-02-25 00:50:30 UTC  

Man up and be the Chad

2019-02-25 01:05:01 UTC  

thats not how genetics work