Message from @Necrosisinthebutt

Discord ID: 583057114759561219

2019-05-28 21:09:01 UTC  

It's too funny

2019-05-28 21:09:01 UTC  

men inject test into themselves while doing steroids though?

2019-05-28 21:09:07 UTC  


2019-05-28 21:10:07 UTC  

They don't provide their research on any website and all the articles about this are headlined and written in a way that implies it's working out that makes you infertile.

2019-05-28 21:10:50 UTC  

Anyways, even if the dudes that go hard don't have many swimmers, they probably still have a great chance at offspring based on people wanting them.

2019-05-28 21:11:17 UTC  

`Professor Pacey, former chairman of the British Fertility Society, estimates that 90 per cent of anabolic steroid uses become sterile.`

2019-05-28 21:11:19 UTC  


2019-05-28 21:11:31 UTC  

these people

2019-05-28 21:12:19 UTC

2019-05-28 21:12:35 UTC  

this guy pretty much quantified it nicely

2019-05-28 22:07:53 UTC  

Wait so you're supposed to be injecting testosterone while doing roids

2019-05-28 22:11:32 UTC  

It's interesting that you say that Exquisite, because contrary to the internets obsession with the GH physique, my own data collection shows something else

2019-05-28 22:12:35 UTC  

My friend sat behind a young woman on a four hour bus ride a few days ago and she spent the whole time on Tinder. He had a marvelous chance to observe the selection process at work

2019-05-28 22:13:00 UTC  

The closer the men were to the androgynous look, the faster she approved

2019-05-28 22:13:15 UTC  

Too masculine and she swiped left or whatever it is

2019-05-28 22:13:41 UTC  

And the more in the middle they were, the longer it would take for her to decide

2019-05-28 22:14:06 UTC  

It got to the point where my friend could accurately predict how long she'd spend on each man

2019-05-28 22:14:33 UTC  

I've noticed the same thing in my female friends. A preference for androgyny

2019-05-28 22:19:03 UTC  

I think it really depends upon the woman, tbh. and what they are looking for at whatever point in their lives . iirc on whatever studies have been done on this, i could be wrong but I thought the tendency was for more dominant appearing masculine men to be approached more often for women that just want sex currently, or short term things, whereas women looking for more serious long term relationships tend to go for lower testosterone lookin dudes because they likely would make better caregivers for future potential offspring as it were, and less likely to be promiscuous . I think you really cant make that inference just based on your friend group alone, i think its more dependent on the case by case needs or desires of the individual woman .

2019-05-28 22:19:42 UTC  

and ofc individual sexual selection preferences

2019-05-28 22:20:48 UTC  

you cant tell me for one instance that brad pitt even by his looks alone , not just fame or fortune coudlnt walk into any bar or social gathering and not walk away with a chick on each arm by virtue of his good lucks or charm . but again it all comes down to what they want i suppose

2019-05-28 22:21:20 UTC  

Interesting choice 😄

2019-05-28 22:22:43 UTC  

if androgenous men were the norm I'd be drowning in pucci . I mean I guess I;m not as androngenous as I used to be but still

2019-05-28 22:23:10 UTC  

i enjoy what few masculine qualities i have expressed physically

2019-05-28 22:23:24 UTC  

and wish to be beefier

2019-05-28 22:26:30 UTC  

AAS use in men does not cause sterility or baldness

2019-05-28 22:26:49 UTC  

you only go bald on gear if you were going to go bald anyway

2019-05-28 22:27:23 UTC  

Besides, moderate dosages of test just bring you up to normal function compared to your ancestors

2019-05-28 22:27:31 UTC  

Necro you got a lot of attention when you were andro

2019-05-28 22:28:55 UTC  

And I don't mean to be a kill joy but there's a lot that can go wrong between being approved on tinder and actually ending up in bed with a girl

2019-05-28 22:49:51 UTC  


2019-05-28 23:38:37 UTC  

@Wiz There are two main types of women in humans

2019-05-28 23:38:43 UTC  

Two main types of mate selection

2019-05-28 23:39:23 UTC  

You mean tournament vs pair bonded?

2019-05-28 23:39:28 UTC  

Yeah exactly

2019-05-28 23:39:36 UTC  

pair bonders select for andro more

2019-05-28 23:39:38 UTC  

I'm aware, yes

2019-05-28 23:39:47 UTC  

so he was observing a pair bonder in action

2019-05-28 23:40:49 UTC  

Probably a part of it, yes

2019-05-28 23:41:00 UTC  

The sexual selection of human beings has been so heavily diluted that there's no real set style anymore

2019-05-28 23:41:12 UTC  

So it's almost random at this point