Message from @DEUS-DURAN

Discord ID: 653130146890514442

2019-12-08 06:52:57 UTC  

My ex wasn’t rich

2019-12-08 06:52:57 UTC  

says the fake slav jew bougie boy

2019-12-08 06:53:09 UTC  

Jews were often known here from being poor

2019-12-08 06:53:20 UTC  

Especially the ones in small towns and villages

2019-12-08 06:53:32 UTC  

A lot of hem lived in extreme poverty

2019-12-08 06:53:46 UTC  

That’s what they get for refusing to integrate with society

2019-12-08 06:54:10 UTC  

Imagine integrating with <:society:529540702460444672>

2019-12-08 06:54:30 UTC  

>Blame jews for disease
>kill them
>lock the ones that run away out of town

ThAt'S wHaT tHeY GeT fOr ReFuSiNg To InTeGrAte

2019-12-08 06:54:52 UTC  

Based and kikepilled

2019-12-08 06:55:07 UTC  

>blame literally anything on jews
>kill them
>lock the ones that run away out of town

2019-12-08 06:55:44 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:56:17 UTC  

You've been blessed by a steady influx of shekels to your bank account

2019-12-08 06:57:53 UTC  

A shekel for a good goy

2019-12-08 06:58:21 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:59:08 UTC  

Remember when Philip IV blamed the jews and kicked them out but forgot to fix the debt first so he had to ask his cousin to completely destroy the most based fraternity of child killing soldiers that ever operated in europe

2019-12-08 07:00:02 UTC  

BTW, a lot of Jews believe in incarnation, so you can claim that you were a Jew in your past life
You unironically cam use it as a basis for being included into some Jewish religious organisations and then even get an Israeli citizenship on that basis

2019-12-08 07:01:35 UTC  

>launder money left and right
>cut the skin off of baby penises and suck on the bleeding wound
>take money from the sick and dying and getting their illness
>spread disease to other places taking their money too
>charge them interest on the money you stole from the people
>get surprised for being kicked out when all you bring is debt and disease
>many centuries pass
>still in charge of the money distribution
>never participated in the Renaissance or enlightenment with the rest of Europe
>start becoming poor because no industry
>few Jews owning banks hire the poor Jews won’t integrate with industrial society
>Jews remain segregated on their own terms and profit off of goyim labor and economies
>single handily responsible for most of the large monopolies, banks, and thus the economic collapses of the depression and 2008
>get punished once by the one country the fucked over the most
>guilt trip into getting a country
>kick out resident Christians and Muslims for ethnostate base of operations for international bank operations that still own a majority of the large banks in the world
>wonder why everyone hates you

2019-12-08 07:04:04 UTC  

Jews are the most xenophobic parasitic ethnic groups to ever operate in human history

2019-12-08 07:05:06 UTC  


2019-12-08 07:05:37 UTC  

>Jews spreading the disease
That meme literally comes from Jews don't getting sick as often as the rest of the population because idk they had an at least basic sense of hygiene which a lot of Europe lacked

2019-12-08 07:06:01 UTC  

Naw the meme comes from the plague

2019-12-08 07:06:07 UTC  

The bubonic plague

2019-12-08 07:06:26 UTC  

Towns would get ill from the humble traveling merchant Jews

2019-12-08 07:06:50 UTC  

As well as most traders and caravans

2019-12-08 07:07:36 UTC  

The rats lived in those caravans they didn’t haul ass from China to London they hitch hiked along the backs of trading caravans

2019-12-08 07:08:24 UTC  

It’s just the Jews are such a small population and they controlled such an amount of trade it kicked things off

2019-12-08 07:08:51 UTC  

Like blacks disproportionately being convicted of violent crime

2019-12-08 07:13:46 UTC  

Do you have any sources supporting that?
I don't recall ever hearing about Jews having anything to do with the Black Death plague in my history classes
Its beginnings in Europe are tied with Mongol invasions and the siege of that Crimean city
I don't know what could Jews possibly have to do with that plus they would fall ill much less often than the rest, so they had much lesser chances of spreading it
Also, rodents mostly transported the disease the sea way, travelling on merchant ships, not caravans

2019-12-08 07:13:58 UTC  

<:yamero:526264198569918465> can I get my name back

2019-12-08 07:14:40 UTC  

Naw Chief my history lesson but them in the crosshairs because they were “forced” to be merchants because it was seen as dirty to handle money

2019-12-08 07:14:41 UTC  

No, homo

2019-12-08 07:14:49 UTC  

That was my AP class

2019-12-08 07:15:28 UTC  

Also it’s a lot easier staying clean when others are doing all the hard labor

2019-12-08 07:15:38 UTC  

oops I am spammin the other channel

2019-12-08 07:15:40 UTC  

You doing okay spooky?

2019-12-08 07:18:33 UTC  

all I did was post in the wrong channel

2019-12-08 07:22:29 UTC  

But Jews were forced into being merchants in Europe, it's a historical fact

2019-12-08 07:32:45 UTC  


2019-12-08 07:33:13 UTC  

And that’s why they have all this modern power in a capitalist society

2019-12-08 07:37:28 UTC  

they couldnt own property in many cases, so they went into banking

2019-12-08 07:37:50 UTC  

and the merchant thing was because the diasporic nature of their communities meant they already had connections everywhere