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Holy shit why can’t that be the American military
Fat shits
US soldiers became instruments instead of citizens and it cucked the spirit of the nation
Why is a glock uglier hipoint
A classic image
For scientific purposes
Also you can now identify these designs in other places and know their true meaning
I can’t say there are geniuses running around with these blueprints
But from /k/ I’ll take what I can
I’m more from /his/ the sites so shit now with every board flooded with porn and traps
Makes one nostalgic for the days of banana posting
Culturally speaking traditional Jewish communities have had a very stand offish and secretive interaction with every single culture they’ve lived amongst
That’s why they’re so commonly targeted
What’s this of a global strike 15th
I was born in 2001 and grew up in late 360 era gaming, overall though music and philosophy wise pretty doomer, been on 4chan for 5 years now, since all the way back as a wee edgelord of 13 who listened to dubstep and drank endless Mountain Dew, those were days. Game nights in halo reach custom games. Shitty banana posting, anonymoos, gamergate an age pre irony is hard to comprehend now. minus months of infancy, I’ve lived in a nation always at war, I’ve lived my whole life thinking anywhere I go I could be shot stabbed or blown up by someone angry at the world but decided trying to change it was too much work. I grew up watching terminator aliens and Kim possible but then was told I was intolerant as a privileged white straight male and others deserve more than me because of their race, any male characters I liked as a kid should be replaced with women or minorities because they need role models more. I’ve been depressed for seven years was suicidal for about 5 of those years. It still comes. I’ve seen people turn to hatred of races on both sides of politics while government policies get worse. We were on the right path, why did we fail so horribly?
Does a race have a right to exist
So then any act to perpetuate is self defense
But what if the existence of others are a threat? Those that want to make a race extinct
Is combat with them defense
I’ve been studying 8chan pol racism and fascism
Working with the logic
They’ve got great propaganda
I’m libertarian on an extremist end and moderate on the left right spectrum so by no means do I believe in death squads but these rising beliefs are impressive in their audacity and efficiency in spreading
Well I was going to ask about the collectivist commonality between fascism and communism, both are becoming more common and polarizing of political extremists but what happened to the individualism of the past
I don’t think it’s that deep
I bust hella good nuts and I’m circumiszed it looks aesthetically better and it’s one less hygienic concern in the modern era
A solem day of remembrance for the people who were so busy killing and sacrificing eachother they forgot to build the wheel, or develop metallurgy, or anything that set apart the bronze and Iron Age, whilst still technically being in the Stone Age
Who then all died of disease due to having weak immune systems
Meanwhile the survivors harassed colonists from their ethnic tribes by claiming all territory, even land they didn’t use, was theirs and this new people with things called education and engineering were stealing all their land so they killed them in their sleep, then cried not fair when the people from the colony they attacked at night showed up the next day and gunned them down
Who would ever struggle maintaining diplomatic relations with a people who collected scalps and wore little clothes whilst whooping and chanting while killing women and children as part of the accepted honorable society
The tribes of North America stood in the way of progress, if we let them persist they’d have stayed the same to this day, they didn’t have to innovate and so they didn’t try
Any people’s that stand in the way of progress are in direct confrontation with the human species, they want to weaken it when others could be stronger than us somewhere else we must always strive to be the best we can be, tribes, communes, Amish communities, these all slow the species down and make it weaker
They’re the enemies of humanity, they’d rather us subjugated than to help the species forward
I’ll eat you
I’ll eat that carpet I suppose a pussy like you has
It’s all shits and giggles until someone figures out a way to implement an actual Anarcho fascist government
Voluntary fascism and voluntary classes based on desires for economic freedom or economic security
Product of incest
Not delusional
Pick one
C’est Qoui?
Wew lad
The only people with the amount of incest defects as royalty
They inbred so much they turned their religion into a race
It’s a shame they decided to be xenophobic to lands they immigrated to
Then wondered why they pissed people off when their faith literally prioritizes the followers over all others and it shows in the population that idea of superiority meanwhile Muslims wonder why people aren’t a fan of them when their faith was founded by a warlord
Then Jesus was a hippy but at some point Europeans thought they were Jews and started creating strict religious ideas of superiority and gods chosen
If Protestants love the Old Testament so much then why don’t they just become Jewish
Jesus’ teachings are pretty chill
Middle school like over half a decade ago
Like a little bitch
That makes more sense
My mans out here suffering
Me too friend
Talk about late term abortion
He is a commie
But Atleast the meme was of some quality
Supposedly musk is aiming for mars that year
Some group was supposed to go next year but that fell apart
I have no hopes for either of these projects
They’ve let me down so much
How different is that than this
At least you sign contracts
Modern government you have as little say and less consent than a feudal system
Unless corporate competition ensures rights
More rights more customers
Eh perhaps
But people have a nasty habit of taking control
And resisting when they feel entitled to rights
Even the USSR fell apart
They should recolonize Africa
Are there any proper conservatives in England I don’t mean bloody boomers I mean nationalists like the rest of the western powers are having
I haven’t seen any real nationalist marches in the UK like I’ve seen in Scandinavian and mainland Europe
If there were I think that’d be great and maybe they’d start re acquiring some former territories inorder to compete with China as well as try to improve the living conditions of the third world
British empire, Roman Empire, Hellenic empire, bomb ass empires
Britain is entirely fucked they acted like they found a bomb when it was a twenty two I’ve got a 40 lying somewhere in my room I don’t know and it’s not like a safety to the world
Ruled the world once now they don’t have the bollocks to handle a fucking .22
And in regards to American mental health I think the issue now is the due to the interconnection on the internet there’s enough mentally damaged individuals able to communicate with one another that they’ve developed communities, therefore when society tries to crack down on mental illness they’re cracking down on the ill and the rest of the community sees little reason to cooperate creating a volatile situations like the Sol Pais debacle and countless non news worthy suicides murders as well as actual shootings
The perceived animosity that these ill feel from society creates a war like scenario so killing becomes viable for them as ideas of (to quote the fearless London mayor when talking about security against terrorism) “part and parcel” of life in developed societies
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