Message from @ᚱᛟᛟᛏ

Discord ID: 653147969843101707

2019-12-08 08:14:10 UTC  

I don't understand the obsession about losing your virginity
Like if it really was such an achievement

2019-12-08 08:14:35 UTC  

all that media that portrays it as a social ill

2019-12-08 08:14:45 UTC  

It’s not really worth it, it’s over rated pretty gay, and if you aren’t smoking it you’re probably just filling your lungs with chemicals and toxins

2019-12-08 08:14:56 UTC  

tv shows from like 10 years ago, where the kids use virgin as an insult and stuff

2019-12-08 08:15:00 UTC  

for every "healthy innocent" couple, there's at least 400,000 destructive unhealthy couples

2019-12-08 08:15:02 UTC  

it was a forced meme me thinks

2019-12-08 08:15:05 UTC  

Sex is a passage right

2019-12-08 08:15:15 UTC  

it involves a passage

2019-12-08 08:15:21 UTC  


2019-12-08 08:15:38 UTC  

teenagers shouldnt be let in areas where they can fuck around unsupervised

2019-12-08 08:15:42 UTC  

But it’s seriously the modern “you are a man now”

2019-12-08 08:15:49 UTC  

it's degenerate as fuck

2019-12-08 08:15:59 UTC  

Root would you rather they fuck in front of supervisors

2019-12-08 08:16:17 UTC  

They shouldn't be allowed to at all, is my point

2019-12-08 08:16:19 UTC  

>you are a man now
Modern masculinity is pretty gay tbh

2019-12-08 08:16:19 UTC  

You can’t stop it

2019-12-08 08:16:25 UTC  

It is

2019-12-08 08:16:29 UTC  

I can't stop everyone else :P

2019-12-08 08:16:43 UTC  

Kids always find a way

2019-12-08 08:16:48 UTC  

>kids having sex

2019-12-08 08:16:50 UTC  

yikes pedo

2019-12-08 08:16:51 UTC  

that is actually true. there are no rights of initiation in modern western society, the only ones set up by our culture are a) loosing your virginity and b) doing drugs for the first time

2019-12-08 08:16:56 UTC  

its kinda fucked

2019-12-08 08:17:02 UTC  

Kids being 14-17

2019-12-08 08:17:08 UTC  


2019-12-08 08:17:11 UTC  

and its always a "no guidance" thing

2019-12-08 08:17:44 UTC  

That’s when the experimentation, romance, and hormones start so that’s when it happens root

2019-12-08 08:17:51 UTC  


2019-12-08 08:17:55 UTC  

I don’t make the rules

2019-12-08 08:17:57 UTC  

maybe for degenerates

2019-12-08 08:18:03 UTC  


2019-12-08 08:18:20 UTC  

you're telling me

2019-12-08 08:18:22 UTC  

if you had a daughter

2019-12-08 08:18:24 UTC  

Yeah my hormones started when I was 7 and I didn't do romance or experimentation.

2019-12-08 08:18:30 UTC  

you'd be perfectly fine with her fucking around at 14?

2019-12-08 08:18:44 UTC  

Fucking around no

2019-12-08 08:18:50 UTC  

well thats what kids do

2019-12-08 08:18:53 UTC  

they fuck around

2019-12-08 08:18:56 UTC  

Again it’s that commitment issue

2019-12-08 08:18:59 UTC  

unless all of the girls you fucked are

2019-12-08 08:19:01 UTC  

married to you?