Message from @Overman
Discord ID: 275084273009033227
The fact he eventually went full Nazi in prison is mostly an image change, it's rhetoric and symbols
Both of which are chosenites
When Heimbach has one too many beers:
Breivik just hyperfocused on Islam initially
Counterjihadism is 100% jewish, totally civic, pro sodomite, there's nothing redeeming in it and luckily they've been dying out everywhere.
Worst movement ever.
I don't know how much of Breivik was just him being not totally pilled and how much was the 1488D Chess
"Breivik has later identified himself as a fascist and voiced support for neo-Nazis, stating that he had exploited counter-jihad rhetoric in order to protect "ethno-nationalists", and instead start a media drive against what he deemed "anti-nationalist counterjihad"-supporters"
It exists because Islam is the most prominent mass immigrant group that causes problems.
"The muslims are coming for our precious faggots and feminists"
Good. Let them have 'em!
If that's true it's interesting
Now he's gone totally NS.
Mateen dindu nuffin
when he was first arrested he gave a closed fist salute
my friends are all counterjihadists 😂
It's painful to talk to them about politics
I'm so, so sorry.
Well what I am saying about Breivik is regardless of what symbolism or labels he chose to use, the guy was basically on board with keeping Europe mostly white from day fucking one, he flat out said so in his manifesto.
I've slowly pilled them on sodomites, but they still don't want the law to crack down on it
The manifesto pretty clearly looks like he had an elaborate scheme. Nothing like the refreshing clarity and simplicity of Roof's mini-manifesto.
Breivik has been pretty straightforward after the original tome
Plus there was a lot of baiting of the counterjihadist shills so I'm ready to believe it's an elaborate plan.
Apolitical types are fine. Just leave them be. Certain folks just aren't cut out for radicalism. Those types will be on our side after we reach critical mass.
And he's decently socially conservative from the manifesto too, supports nuclear families, against normalizing homosexuality - though I don't think he was for cracking down on anyone for just being gay.
Besides, he just tried to make it as long as possible, no one would doubt it then, right?
If I recall he had a lot against feminism in there
>certain folks aren't cut out for radicalism
But, we'll only know for sure when we break him out to lead the European Reconquista.
tbh some of the people I went to school with weren't cut out for having an opinion, period
one day I started analysing who would make a decent fascist
And there were people who are just useless
certain folks aren't cut out for life tbh my buddy
they don't give a fuck about anything as long as they get beer and weed
they're niggers with white skin
those are the exact types I'm talking about
Parrott is right though. Masses are apolitical, fence sitters don't give a shit about moral high ground or essays, but will sway to the strongest side.
Throwing away a beautiful gift