Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277692381539860492
rip r/altright
How about we beat them by being better than they are rather than false-flagging?
That's not false flagging
@DoctorPiss put up national vanguard posters instead
It's just sharing their propaganda
You're posting altered flyers of their propaganda
reminder that therre are antifa on this discord watching, this is not the place for false flags
You out up national vanguard fliers
some people said those flyers were fake doctor piss
I'm just saying share their existing fliers dumbass
And change the name for your city
So false flag.
Yeah, so literally false flag
Went to Mexico ..........
Its not a bad idea honestly, but we need to create our own identity first.
SG is mexican
this isnt just for men right? i may not be able to physically fight but i will do what i can to support, i do have cna experience
not national vanguard
american vanguard
You're putting up their "flag" while not intending to support their cause
"Guys lets not get people to hate them for what they legitimately believe"
Anyway, @DoctorPiss take that to the subversion channel.
Hadrian = cuck
Build wall
Hadrian's Wall
This is what we have so far.
It's a shit idea, but maybe that channel will help you hammer things out.
We need medics far more than any other person, if you don't want to fight / not sure how to contribute, take an emt class and study up.
Colors look good
Why is that the scene for Sweden?