Message from @BrokenHeartedLiberal
Discord ID: 365052656454074388
basically its a primer
i dont think tou would need it for black tough
god damnit i hatw when i speak in ancient english.
I don't think it's talking about a primer. Seems like it's just directly in the eyes
Also jfc
"A man named Rodrigo Fernando of Sao Paulo Brazil claims he “cried ink for days” after having his eyeballs tattooed to make them darker."
It's not reversible either apparently
How retarded do you have to be to not even get them matching
Well here's something that comes closer. Even if it's not close.
maybe it was a cheap 13 for an undercover
That would be a good way to get killed
what is a
maybe its a b. the bar is very close to the squigly maybe it was for a game
@Big Ounce MS-13, the gang
i do not know of said gang
and i am big ounce
professional street nigga
classical liberalism is the only true form of liberalism
Rumor mill over drive
i just read your name
its pretty retarded
Good for you
im spooky now
No confirmation only supposition
But it’s rapidly become “THE JOOOOOOOOOOOSSS”
It really is
That’s not good
That means multiple shooters
Some of the highlights I think can be explained but the chest wound(?) is interesting
I saw that
Wasn’t it reported that he shot himself in the mouth?
I don't remember reading that. Just that he killed himself