Message from @FashyGoy1488
Discord ID: 404401231625191435
Should use flares if legal
Give an earie color too it
Nice have a bunch of dudes do a silent march with red flares at night. That aesthetic tho
Very jarring / intimadting
Can confirm I saw [REDACTED] try to kill a reporter with a flare
Maybe she's pro white sharia
@Fevs that is a lie
Like an hour out of knoxville, hype
White Shariah now
Only POC can have femebism
Smash da patrairby
Y’all Nazis on the ground yet in Knoxville?
I'm otw, running behind.
Going under cover into an antifa meeting with another lad from down here. Wish me luck
Goodluck broseph
I'm going to be taking video too.
Noice gonna uploade it ?
Kinda nervous. We are headed over soon to scope out the area.
Be safe. Be smart. Record all. Hail Victory. @Fash Dragon
We will be. We are two healthy white men
I don’t doubt you gentlemen one bit. Godspeed.
Any last minute tips? I'm gonna scope out the area and park probably a block away.
Obviously don't talk much. Agree and amplify
Gonna make sure to yell nigger in the car before to get it out of my system
We'll be scouting the area too.
we're in the red chevy truck
Be calm nibba
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY different meeting. I'm still in Illinois
Exactly. I'm trying to remember the feeling I felt when I got into the frat in Charlottesville
I was so happy to be surrounded by my comrades
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY where you at