Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 391996350830608385
@ghostofthevolk NF is LS, VA, TWP, and NSM
IE was never part of it
newfriend detected
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe I Know lol being sarcastic I'm not fond of them to be honest
Me neither
I was at their AirBnb in gainsville and Eli said we couldn't play "Erika" until all the press left because Richard didn't want to be called a Natsoc
IE is gayyy
Erika is my ringtone
Dicky Spencer the opticuck jew
@Hadrian me too actually
I changed it from Dixie the other day
Dicky is first to the gas
@ghostofthevolk Richard is rich enough to the point that he cares more about being an intellectual and a speaker rather than a candidate. He doesn't think victory will happen in his lifetime, and he lives comfortably, so he doesn't care.
I asked him personally why he doesn't come out as a National Socialist, and his responses implied what I said above.
He is more worried about getting numbers and profit IE let's in everyone it seems ancap fag at one rally was IE
I really hate self proclaimed intellectuals they do the most damage to us all
IE is close to 1000 members. To controlling
Back when I ran Anticom our server was 1800 strong. Want to guess how many of them were actual NatSocs?
What's the numbers for TWP?
88 gorillion
1488 members
Sounds right
Honestly, I'll take 20 men who I know will show up to events over 1000+ men who will mostly stay home playing vidya.
Let's do a membership drive: the 1488th member gets a stahlhelm signed by Heimbach
TWP is cool with open carry if it's legal, right?
@Fash Dragon related to sacco vandal <:totenthink:390928462459699201>
I think open carrying at a protest is a bad idea.
@Odalman I asked what the party stance is.
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe I feel it depends on the situation for me personally
Just get your ccw
It promotes idiots to do stupid shit when you open carry. Have to be careful. "My optics" 😂😂😂😂
I think Heimbach would agree. The problem with open carrying is all the legal issues it could open while marching or protesting. Though it really depends on the situation. Tactically speaking conceal carry is better than open carrying imo.
I know Heimbach promotes the idea of conceal carrying.
I'm not old enough for concealed
I always wear my AR on a sling to events.
No need to escalate by having a gun on your back or hip