Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 277924819717062657
Our main purpose is as a token resistance to antifa in order to show that theirs is not the only available side and maintain public morale. Our image when we act in public must be immaculate. Even in protests. ESPECIALLY IN PROTESTS.
where did you get that @DoctorPiss
made myself
trying to show why worrying too hard about organization and central leadership is dumb
this is like the chanology raid except less faggoty
a lot of people, with different backgrounds, different 'crews' of people
going after AnarchoCOmmies because fuck these guys
@Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe Shit man you really got to remove your account from that mod and make a new one. I'm not sure how that would have even worked in the first place.
indeed. We just have to get local groups off the ground. From that point on we can be almost independent.
With heirarchy comes pushing people oout
Haupsturmfuhrer is interested in things like civil service and protecting innocents at protests
I'm planing on creating a British Branch of Anticom, any Anons care to help out?
is there anyway we can weaponize the memes?
@MONARCH Pass me colors you'd want and I can make an insignia for you.
@DoctorPiss this. As much as we want to fight, public relations must be our top priority
So far we have American, German, and Swedish insignias figured out (not symbols on the last 2)
anti-communist movement = god
@MONARCH are you talking about Brits going over to the US? I'm thinking of doing that
i'm just having a hard time explaining the concept of how ad-hoc groups of people are forming and coming together and why they are doing it
Monarch, we can't split our efforts. America first, because antifa has already gone tumorous there.
@DoctorPiss as long as we dont shill fascism in public.
Please don't. It will end up.
After that, europe.
half the appeal of fucking with Antifa is they bash "fascists" who aren't
We need all anticommunist groups to merge into one @DoctorPiss . That way we are much more powerful
going out and giving them what they want to bash won't help
With all due respect, that is retarded
@Anticom LR Yellow and Black are fine, just a British Flag instead of an American one (obviously)
Decentralization is key
@DoctorPiss yes
You want all groups to merge into one- why?
@Anticom LR Easy on the globalist rhetoric there, Shlomo.
You want us all answering to you?
I love the idea of one umbrella group coordinating and making headway
I mean I'm not talking about political groups like identitarian, just groups that are only for anti-communist reasons, kek
But it's going to be a lot of different varied groups working together