Message from @kingbobo
Discord ID: 277298660835065856
NJ is a lost cause. I saw a group of schoolchildren the other day, and 80% of them were shitskins. This is in one of the whitest parts of the state, too.
I mean send all the immigrants there. No sending them to rural areas. The rich love diversity so much they can deal with it.
we dont need to make this about race. This is a good chance to get minorities to leave the left
a bunch of faggy white guys destroying shit is a good way to make blacks and hispanics turn right wing
right now
this is a great opportunity to have everyone working together to dismantle Antifa
and have political discussion on their own side
if people can contain their spaghetti it is an AMAZING opportunity to show others that even extreme far right people are personable and well-reasoned
literally all my small group is doing is doxing antifa and compiling videos of them so we can produce our own With Open Gates
Lol no purity spiral until antifa is defeated
i don't think we've argued about politics at all
being anticom means supporting individualism
something even your average leftist supports
communism is by defintion against individualism. its literally in the names
@Hernán Cortés are you familiar with Central NY area?
Lots of immigrants there, where I grew up
I want everyone to read that article
Eh I'm just here for the opportunity to organize and possibly defend ourselves against antifa, that and to network with like minded individuals.
to truely understand Antifa's organization
Fucking hell
and that they aren't 100% jokes
they are 80% jokes and 2% dangerous motherfuckers
who's the other 18%
Molyneaux said it right the other day. The time for arguments is over.
^ this
Action doesn't need to be immediate
Remember the intelligent make plans
^imagine that but with shooting antifa and not criminals
I'm gonna be a Navi SEAL
has place been (((shill))) cleansed?
@jello "are you guys ancaps?"
I'm both ancap and a fascist. think either can work, and so I'd be okay with either.
we're using voice chat
Yeah yeah @DoctorPiss can't talk just this very second but will in 5 min tops