Message from @Tatsumaki
Discord ID: 550993396194344980
there we go
uwu not enlargo c:
-define cash out
**cash out**: to buy [wit] money. to [spend].
from [the bay] area where all slang comes from.
*"you wanna cash out fo my car?" "she [cashed out] [3 bills] fo her slap"
"[cash me out]!!"*
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-define flour
**flour**: A)slang for cocaine or meth
B)used for cooking, esp [cakes] and [breads]
C)what you use to roll a really fat chick in while searching for [the wet] spot where you're supposed to stick your dick.
*A)If we're going clubbing we should pick up some flour on the way.
B)This bread [recipe] calls for [one and a half] bags of flour.
C)I was so wasted last night that the girl I took home was so fat I had to roll her up in flour and aim for [the wet] spot!*
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sheeple confirmed for methhead
**Spinnaker**: A method of [sexual congress] during which the female participant is fucked up the arse whilst her [tender gentleman] lover cocks her leg with one hand and holds her hair with the other, forming a pair of [Husky Reins].
*'I say Mary, you're positively glowing this morning - I trust you had [a good night's] sleep!'
'Stuff and nonsense, [Matilda] - James [the butler] put the Spinnaker on me last night - I tell you, I'm walking like fucking John Wayne today!'
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-define 5g
**5G**: Leaving. Started with [Audi]. Audi makes the [Audi 5000]. 5000 = [5G]. So [5g] means I am out of here. I am leaving.
*"See [you guys] [later], I'm 5G"
"I'm 5G, [take it easy]"*
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-define lacky
**lacky**: lacky: a [person's] [bitch]
*[Look at] my lacky [trying to] [be like] me*
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-define bebo
**bebo**: [Myspace's] biggest [rival]. Currently very popular amongst college students in Ireland for [some strange] reason.
*OMG [a bebo] [whiteboard]! Let's a [draw] a dick on it!*
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<:no:390511503238758400> | **Nyoki**, You need to give at least 2 options.
<:no:390511503238758400> | **Nyoki**, You need to give at least 2 options.
$av Micheru XII
🔫 | **Crime Coefficient: (214%)**
**Nyoki** is classified as a latent criminal and is a target for enforcement action. The Dominator is set to Non-Lethal Paralyzer mode.
<:no:390511503238758400> | **Nyoki**, the correct usage is: `t!reverse <text>`
â–« | e.g. `t!reverse racecar`
â–« | Get more help using `t!help reverse`
t!reverse racecar
`t!reverse - Nyoki#7025:`
-define speaker
**speaker**: 1) Electro-acoustic [transducer] that converts electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard [at a distance].
2) someone who expresses in [language]; someone who talks
*[the leader] of the majority party is [the Speaker] of [the House] of Representatives*
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-define language
**language**: A way of communication, mostly made and used by humans. Still, animals (and plants, maybe) have languages of their own.
Language consists of sounds made within the throat and then formed into words to show what one means or is thinking.
There were once easily ten-thousand or more human languages in the world, but humans, through ignorance, prejudice, violence, and [neglect], managed to destroy so many languages... thus resulting in 6,000 or so languages today, the [vast majority] of which are endangered by [the likes] of English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Hindi, and several other major ones taking over, thus threatening the [diversity] of human culture.
Also what your mother says to you if there is an especially verbally obscene movie playing on the television.
*Th'ann mòran gun dèanainn [ri] sabhail mo [Gh]à idhlig ghaolach à marbhadh. Tha ['n] iomadachd ar saoghal is a dualchais, a-cheana [fann] [beagan], an cunnart de [dol] à s, tha i 'nochdadh. Tha fhios againn air na beathaichean 's lusan an cunnart a-cheana; dè [mu] na cà [nanan] 's dualchais choimheacha, [bh]à rdaile?
(There's much that I would do to save my darling Gaelic from dying. The diversity of our world and her cultures, already a little [frail], is in danger of extinction, it is appearing. We know about the endangered animals and plants already; What about the exotic, poetic languages and cultures?)
"Don't watch this show, honey; it has language in it!"
And what is that supposed to mean? Of [coarse] there's language in it! Don't you mean "there's bad language in it" or something along those lines?*
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-define stalk
**stalk**: slang [defination]:
[hound], [spy], solicitation for a certain kind of information
*"stalking wide looking [eyeball] [gawk], [snide]."*
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-define stalker
**stalker**: It seems to be that the term 'stalker' no longer means what it used to mean--the [pathological] ANONYMOUS follower and tab-keeper of another person or persons (A detective who has not been hired and has no real reason to follow someone). The old definition also would say that a 'stalker' often has an imaginary connection with the [stalkee].
HOWEVER, common usage of the term, along with the term 'creepy', has come to be used as a [defense mechanism] for anyone seeking justification for not being attracted socially or physically to someone else.
This term is nearly as overdiagnosed as ADHD is in children. Any women who think an undesirable man might be interested in her will almost always automatically label him a stalker.
Note: Far too many idiots think they're more important than they really are. Real stalkers seek out beautiful, interesting, and often famous members of the attractive gender. [90 percent] of the people who use the term couldn't get a real stalker to save their lives.
*A hot girl who follows you around and shows up at your door is a friend.
An [ugly girl] who follows you around and shows up at your door is now, according to most, a stalker.
A hot guy [who gives] you [flowers] is a romantic.
An ugly guy who gives you flowers is a stalker. *
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**115**: A ghetto [southside] hood in [Edmonton] Canada.
Well known to police and quite dangerous to hang around. Only 2 [samll] gangs roll thru 115.
*"Catch me on 115 in [evisu] jeans and my [nuggets] [jersey] 1 5. *
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-define pinpoint
**pinpoint impression toy**: A interesting [contraption] that was probably invented with the intention of becoming an amazing 3D device, but now can usually found in [the 25] cent toy section in Walmart. It can be identified as a grid or pan of needles (ranging from silver, to neon depending on how much you want to spend on a half-hour’s worth of entertainment). When a hand or face or some other [convex] object is placed underneath, the needles rise to form an impression of said object.
*“Hey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool [3D] impression of my [grandma]’s face!”
“Hey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool 3D impression of me bum!”
“Hey! This pinpoint impression toy made a cool 3D impression of a [turnip]!”*
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**bear**: A term used by [gay men] to describe [a husky], large man with a lot of [body] hair.
*[George's] sexual tastes [run] toward [bears].*
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**teddy bear**: 1) A [plush] toy in the form of a bear [cub].
2) A big, [beefy] guy who looks like he'd be fun to cuddle.
*"[The little boy] fell asleep [hugging] a teddy bear."
"[Abraham] Benrubi is such a teddy bear!"*
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