Message from @Tatsumaki

Discord ID: 551045656479924227

2019-03-01 13:15:28 UTC  

**BUNGED**: NOUN: to be extremely drunk, [beyond] [sauced]. [blacked out] and still drinking.
*Me, dj, tj, jon, [flup], kevin, cam, and the rest of [my boys] got [bunged], we did 2 power hours and finished a bottle of jose. we are headed downtown.*
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2019-03-01 13:31:06 UTC  

-define repent or parish

2019-03-01 13:31:07 UTC  

**Repent**: To become willing to change ones actions for the better;

To [acknowledge] your wrongs to at least yourself [and change] your behavior for the good, regardless of how you might "feel" about it.

To do an "[about face]" on your wrong behavior;

*When I realized I was [taking advantage] and lying to women, I choose to [repent].

After repenting from talking negative about myself, I soon started getting a healthier self-esteem.

[Repent] now for [the God's] reality is near you.
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2019-03-01 13:31:25 UTC  

-define momo

2019-03-01 13:31:25 UTC  

**MOMO**: A generic insult used to describe one who is irritating, annoying, or an idiot. (synonyms include but are not limited too: ass, asshole, bastard, bitch, blockhead, bonehead, cocksucker, dick, dickhead, dolt, dope, dunce, fool, halfwit, idiot, imbecile, jackass, jerk, mother-fucker, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, numskull, rascal, [scamp], [schmo], schmuck, simpleton, son of a bitch, [tomfool], twerp)
*1. If someone is driving badly, one might say "Hey [momo]! Learn to drive!"
2. If a loud [crow] outside your window [wakes] you up, you might say "God! Shut up stupid momo bird!"*
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2019-03-01 13:31:44 UTC  

-define mong

2019-03-01 13:31:44 UTC  

**Mong**: Adj. [Lacking] in physical and cerebal ability. General [retardation].
Generally: a total [spastic]
*No I don't need you to help me with my [supermarket] [trolley], you [fucking mong]*
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2019-03-01 13:32:03 UTC  

-define mongrel

2019-03-01 13:32:03 UTC  

**mongrel**: A [cross-breed], can be a derogatory name for those of [mixed] [heritage].
*that [mixed] [girl] [looks like] a mongrel*
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2019-03-01 13:32:19 UTC  

-define mudblood

2019-03-01 13:32:19 UTC  

**Mudblood**: an insulting term from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (created by [JK Rowling]). The term itself means, dirty blood. The insult is directed towards witches or wizards who are [Muggle-born], someone with non-magic parents. This term is usually used by haughty pure-bloods, witches or wizards who are of magical descent and consider themselves to be higher up in rank. Such as the [Malfoy] family. The term Muggle-born is very much preferred to the term 'Mudblood.' Throughout the course of the books discrimination against Muggle-borns or 'Mudbloods" intensifies.
*[Hermione]: Shut up [Malfoy]!
[Draco]: How dare you talk to me, filthy little Mudblood.

Hermione: **upset by this retort***
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2019-03-01 13:32:31 UTC  

-define bastard

2019-03-01 13:32:31 UTC  

**Bastard**: Besides the usual usages of a child born [out of wedlock] and a suitable name for someone you don’t like, there are other meanings as well. At one time it was used to refer to a hybrid device or one adapted from one purpose to another; in 1517 it was used to refer to [second rate] Spanish Sack [wines] and in engineering it refers to a type of coarse-toothed file.
*“Shit! What a [bastard]!”
“[What do you mean]?”
“[Take your pick].”*
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2019-03-01 13:32:55 UTC  

-define exchange

2019-03-01 13:32:55 UTC  

**exchange**: Performing [oral sex] on [someone] of the [opposite sex].
*Hey, Kelsey--you KNOW when you get [married] you'll be [ALL over] [the exchange]!*
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2019-03-01 13:34:19 UTC  

-define yogurt

2019-03-01 13:34:19 UTC  

**yogurt**: a very [healthy] thing. tastes good with the [crunchy] [stuff]! everyone should eat yogurt
*[ahh] I don't have anything good to [eat that's] not [fattening]...
-eat yogurt!*
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2019-03-01 13:34:57 UTC  

-define gogurt

2019-03-01 13:34:58 UTC  

**Gogurt**: The last stage of male masturbation where one [pinches] starting from the base of the shaft upward squeezing out any [leftover] semen. This is a necessary step as it helps significantly with [after cum].
*You: Fuck man I totally just got [rekt] by an undesirable amount of [after cum]
Friend: Well did you [Gogurt]?
You: ... Shit... no I completely forgot
Friend: Well there's your problem my friend, you gotta [GoGURT] or go home*
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2019-03-01 14:18:42 UTC  

t!RPS paper

2019-03-01 14:18:42 UTC  

I'm choosing **Rock**! 👊 **PAPER** wins!

2019-03-01 14:47:11 UTC  

-define obsessed

2019-03-01 14:47:12 UTC  

**obsessed**: [Can't stop] [thinking] about.
*I'm obsessed with [gamecube].*
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2019-03-01 14:47:53 UTC  

-define playstation

2019-03-01 14:47:53 UTC  

**PlayStation**: [code name] for [marijuana], [pot], or weed
*"dude you [get some] PlayStation."

"[wus] up bro we [playing] PlayStation tonight?"*
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2019-03-01 14:48:01 UTC  

-define xbox

2019-03-01 14:48:01 UTC  

**XBox**: A system made when Bill Gates realised he didn't have enough money.
Since programmers didn't like the XBox when is was announced, Microsoft bought a bunch of companies to make exclusive games, such as [Bungie] and [Rareware].

Also, the system in competition with the Playstation 2 for people who only buy [EA sports] games.
*Halo was originally going to be for [Mac], [GCN], and [PS2].*
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2019-03-01 14:53:33 UTC  

-define addicted

2019-03-01 14:53:33 UTC  

**Addicted**: A state were a person just wants one [object] [super] [badly], and can't get enough of it.
*[I am] [addicted] to [soda].*
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2019-03-01 14:53:50 UTC  

-define miserable

2019-03-01 14:53:51 UTC  

**miserable**: someone [who is] [unhappy] and [unpleasant]
*People who are miserable never [look at] [the bright] [side] of things.*
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2019-03-01 14:57:20 UTC  

-define bus

2019-03-01 14:57:20 UTC  

**bus**: Okay, so Top 10 Reasons Why Taking the Bus Rocks:

Firstly, you don't have to wear a seatbelt. Anyone who says they like wearing seatbelts is gay. And a liar.

Secondly, the people are really weird. Like [ther's] one guy I used to see EVERYWHERE who's all normal and shit, except that he wears skirts. Not kilts. Skirts. What this means is that you can be as strange and obnoxious as possible and no will say anything. In fact, they will do their best to ignore you.

[Thirdly], if you wear sunglasses and look around and write things down, people look at you funny or hid their face and give you more to write about.

Fourthly, you can be as high or as drunk as you want and still get to where you want to go with the added bonus of not having to give a stilted-English speaking cabi directions while slurring.

Fifthly, it's cheap, and you don't have to [pay for gas] or insurance or maintenance of any kind.

Sixthly, if bus drivers are friendly they make your day and if they're jerkfaces they give you [a good story] to tell.

Seventhly, you get to listen to other people's conversations and know about intimate things in their lives, like how their job sucks (which, by the way, is pretty obvious if they're riding a bus).

Eightly, if you're young, you get motivated to succeed so you don't get stuck [riding the bus] forever. And if you're old, you get to look at other people who failed and feel better about yourself.

Ninthly, there's fun graffitti around to entertain you.

And tenthly, there are always hilarious fashion blunders on [fake blonde] twelve year olds with blue eyeliner from [Orleans] who think they're hot shit, like wearing Stitches sky-blue half-bleached jeans with a [pink belly] shirt.

So ya, s'il [vous] plais ne plaindre pas.
*"O [Oysters]," said [the Carpenter],
"You've had a pleasant run!
Shall we be [trotting] home again?"
But answer came there none -
And this was scarcely odd, because
They'd eaten every one.*

2019-03-01 14:57:20 UTC  
2019-03-01 15:10:51 UTC  

-define hoodwinked

2019-03-01 15:10:52 UTC  

**hoodwinked**: To be deceived. It actually derives from the practice of placing a [hood over] the head of a falcon in the Middle Ages when engaged in the sport of [falconry]. This was done in order to trick the falcon into believing it was nighttime, thus calming the bird down so that one could recover the prey from [the bird's] talons.
*"[Egads], I've been hoodwinked!"*
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2019-03-01 15:31:56 UTC  

-define lava lamp

2019-03-01 15:31:56 UTC  

**lava lamp**: [The best] [kind of] [lamp].
*My friend has a lava lamp and we like to [trip out] and [stare] [at it].*
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2019-03-01 18:01:56 UTC  

-define soy boy

2019-03-01 18:01:57 UTC  

**Soy Boy**: Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies.

The origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption has been proven to have on the male physique and libido.

The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as "Nazis".

See also: cuck, beta/[omega male], [orbiter], [kissless virgin], male feminist
*Man 1: If you kill your [enemies] they win.
Man 2: [Shut the fuck up], [soy boy].*
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2019-03-01 18:02:46 UTC  

-define kissless virgin