Message from @Nyoki

Discord ID: 551160697795641345

2019-03-01 19:02:57 UTC  

**Jiddy**: [An adult] who [treats] normal every day circumstances as [corporate] documentable acts to cover there own ass.
*There was a [reported] incident from the [soccer game] Saturday. That Jiddy [intimidated] some kid, then documented a story and somehow became a victim.*
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2019-03-01 19:03:15 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-01 20:56:26 UTC  

-define bum

2019-03-01 20:56:27 UTC  

**bum**: 1. A [homeless person].
2. British/[Australian] equivalent of "butt".
3. To fuck someone [up the arse].
*[A bum] [bummed] me [up the bum].*
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2019-03-01 21:06:28 UTC  


2019-03-01 21:06:28 UTC  

🏧 | **Nyoki**, **daily 💴 credits reset in 2 hours, 53 minutes and 31 seconds.**

2019-03-01 21:07:33 UTC  

-define tax

2019-03-01 21:07:33 UTC  

**tax**: Giving money you don't have to people [you don't know] for a [program] you don't [believe] in.
*It's [income tax] time again. [whoo]. </[sarc]>*
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2019-03-01 21:15:49 UTC  

-define nocoiner

2019-03-01 21:15:50 UTC  

**nocoiner**: Someone who didn't lose an enormous amount of real-world money when the [Bitcoin] [bubble] [popped].
*My wife is divorcing me because I secretly put all of our [net worth] into [Bitcoin] just before the price began to [tank]. I wish I were a nocoiner.*
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2019-03-01 21:29:49 UTC  

-define 100 mph

2019-03-01 21:29:50 UTC  

**100 mph**: [extremely] [fast]
*you're [going] 100 mph. [slow down]!*
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2019-03-01 21:44:31 UTC  

-define solo traitor

2019-03-01 21:44:32 UTC  

**Traitor**: A [Stormtrooper] who isn't [loyal] to the First Order. Example: [FN-2187]
*[FN-2187] Stabbed his Fellow Loyal Stormtrooper.
Out of the shadows, the most loyal man emerges.
The Figure wipes out his massive stun baton, it [glowed] with the power of his loyalty.
He began to spin his mighty tool, wiping it with such force
Finn began to tremble in his traitorous coat, yet deep inside, he felt a strong feeling of pleasure.
[TR-8R] posed himself in his combat stance, his weapon gleaming in the sunlight, fully erect.

Finn wanted TR-8R to use him. He wanted to be punished by him. He wanted to feel his massive loyalty inside of him.
TR-8R with a a voice as sweet as honey, shouted "Traitor!"
Finn loved it when he was called a traitor. He got down onto his hands and knees.
"[Punish me]!" He begged. "Make me feel the wrath of the First Order!"*
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2019-03-01 21:44:45 UTC  

-define trader

2019-03-01 21:44:45 UTC  

**Trader**: An [omnipotent] eternal [gimp], having almost no [bounds] of gimpness
*Man [I wish] I wasn't [a fucking] [trader].*
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2019-03-01 21:46:40 UTC  

-define mh370

2019-03-01 21:46:40 UTC  

**MH370**: [Losing] something you can't find like the MH370 [plane] that's [somewhere] in this world.
*"I had a [pen] [but then] it went all MH370 on me and now [I can't find it]"*
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2019-03-01 21:55:22 UTC  

-define mouthpiece

2019-03-01 21:55:23 UTC  

**mouthpiece**: Anyone who has [alot] of [game]. Can make them do things they [normally] wouldn't do.
*I [got] a [cold] mouthpiece.*
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2019-03-01 21:55:50 UTC  

-define apathetic

2019-03-01 21:55:50 UTC  

**apathetic**: [Indifference] towards people, things, and/or activities. Lack of [emotion] and lack of feeling, [numbness].
*His apathetic [attitude] made people [think] he was [introvert].*
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2019-03-01 21:57:16 UTC  

-define leaking clock

2019-03-01 21:57:16 UTC  

**leak**: [In the music] industry, when a song or album is being [put out] before it is [officially] released, usually online.
*Sometimes when an [artist's] album has been [leaked], they release their album earlier than planned for fear of [the bootleggers].*
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2019-03-01 22:02:06 UTC  

-define brazil

2019-03-01 22:02:07 UTC  

**Brazil**: The largest country of South America and one of the most beautiful of the world. Also known in the world for its peaceful and kind people. The famous [Rain Forest] is placed in the north of the country, and is rich in [mineral water], minerals (gold, quartz, [bauxite], etc...) and the most important: bio-diversity. For this reason it needs to be protected and not explored by foreign people with the excuse to protect the nature.
*Brazil, coutry of [Pel]é, [Samba], Bossa-Nova and [Beaty].*
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2019-03-01 22:02:47 UTC  

-define columbia

2019-03-01 22:02:47 UTC  

**Columbia**: A [smallish] suburb located roughly halfway between Baltimore, [Md] and [D.C]. The median income, as well as the median age of residents (and cost of living) is slowly rising. Best known for its ridiculous literary street names. The example below features actual street names.
*The girl from Columbia who lived [on Red] [Keel] was jealous of her friend, who lived on Mooseberger [Court].*
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2019-03-01 22:04:12 UTC  

-define iron fist

2019-03-01 22:04:12 UTC  

**iron fist**: To rule with an iron fist is to [harshly] [punish] anyone or thing that bends the law at all. There are no technicalities, and there are no mercies [granted].
*[Stalin] [ruled] with an iron fist.*
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2019-03-01 22:06:26 UTC  

-define brave heart

2019-03-01 22:06:26 UTC  

**brave**: To be able to look at your biggest fear and [face it] in the eye. There are many definitions and many examples. WWhatt may be a challenge to one individual is [unimpressive] and easily [overcome] by another.
*A typical example of [bravery] is facing down an enemy in battle or facing death in the eye in another [for or] fashion.
Another example is to completely endanger your [social standing] and completely ignore all social implicaions and do whatever you want *
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2019-03-01 22:19:02 UTC  

-define immaculate

2019-03-01 22:19:02 UTC  

**Immaculate**: Clean; flawless; [second to none]; incredible; [awe-inspiring]; [magnificent]
*"[Ali's] beard looks [pretty damn] good."

"You can't understate it like that, it's [immaculate]."*
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2019-03-01 22:21:36 UTC  

**referendum**: a country wide vote held to [determine] whether the public thinks it is a [good idea]/question and to either [go forward] with it or not.
*the 1967 referendum was a very [important] event [in Australia's] [history]*
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2019-03-01 22:25:34 UTC  

!define define

2019-03-01 22:27:34 UTC  

-define conscription

2019-03-01 22:27:35 UTC  

**conscription**: being [obligated] or [required] to [make an appearance], regardless of what one desires to do.
*Some people consider having to report for [jury duty] a form of conscription.

Having to visit my parents during [the holidays] feels like conscription. All their [turmoil] makes me wish I could just stay home.*
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2019-03-01 22:28:50 UTC  

$av choco black thanos iii

2019-03-01 22:29:02 UTC  
2019-03-01 22:29:02 UTC