Message from

Discord ID: 551105054115889172

2019-03-01 18:11:22 UTC  

**Quarterback**: [hovering] over a [public toilet] in [the quarterback] position and taking a shit trying not to touch the seat with your ass.
*Dude, that [bathroom] was so [filthy] I had to [quarterback] it!*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-01 18:12:27 UTC  

-define guinea pig

2019-03-01 18:12:28 UTC  

**guinea pig**: A guinea pig is a tube with a brain. Stuff goes into this tube at one end and comes out of the other. The purpose of the brain is to cause the tube to find more stuff to eat. Just underneath the brain, near the feet, is a [squeaking] muscle shaped like a kidney bean. If the brain thinks, even just for a second, that there is the remotest possibility of food, anywhere, within [a fifty] mile radius, then it sends a signal to the squeaking muscle, which then [squeaks]. [Squeaks] can also be elicited by tissues, your homework, feathers, and the rustling of plastic bags, all of which are incredibly delicious to the guinea pig.
*I'm a guinea pig, big and chubby...what can I eat? Hay and [pellets], fruits & [veggies], [Vitamin C]!*
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2019-03-01 18:12:43 UTC  

-define striker

2019-03-01 18:12:43 UTC  

**striker**: A name for a prison [inmate] that [jacks off] when female [c.o.'s] are around.
*Why did you [celly] [go] to the [whole] for? ... He's a striker.*
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2019-03-01 18:12:55 UTC  

-define midfielder

2019-03-01 18:12:55 UTC  

**Midfield, TX**: Midfield is an unincorporated community in Matagorda County, Texas, United States. Although it is unincorporated, Midfield has a post office, with the ZIP code of 77458. It is known as a [four way stop] going to someplace else and it has a bar, a hotel, a Post Office, a church, a community center, and a volunteer fire department. Midfield is also characterized by having a shitload of trailer houses. Midfield is close to the cities of Bay City, [El Campo], [Palacios], and Edna and is approximately a hour and 30 minutes southwest of Houston, TX.
*Guy 1: Dude, remember when we were on that [road trip] and we passed through Midfield, TX?
Guy 2: Dude, it was only a [four way stop]. [Chill out].*
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2019-03-01 18:13:05 UTC  

-define centreback

2019-03-01 18:13:06 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-01 18:13:11 UTC  

-define defender

2019-03-01 18:13:11 UTC  

**Defender**: The [Land Rover] Defender is most KICK ASS 4x4 ever created by man. My stock Land Rover D90 is the biggest [ass piece] of gas guzzelin', jeep [humpin'], road rulin', extention of manhood you have ever seen. All other 4x4s are booty.
*My Defender [rocks]. [I wish] I had [two] of them.*
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2019-03-01 18:13:19 UTC  

-define goalkeeper

2019-03-01 18:13:19 UTC  

**goalkeeper**: 1. In soccer, or football as some places name the position, the only person that is really truly unique in [the 11] players.

goalies are allowed to use hands while inside their own [goalie] box.

If you read to here, congrats! the people who left might think i am a boring asshole to leave things like this on urban! I am gonna start talking about what the goalie really does.

First of all, the goalie has the most fucked up job on the pitch. He [dives], he [saves], he leaps, he slides in mud, he cannot make mistakes, he is thought by assholes that don't know soccer as"easy job", and thought by even bigger assholes that know about soccer as "useless". chicks crave the strikers-they [evade] the goalkeepers.

secondly, no other position has a bigger [decisive] power than the goalie. if a goalie saves a goalbound shot, it equals as he scores one. why does so many assholes think the goalies are useless?

if you are a professional goalkeeper, great. [good news], if you make good saves, you will show in the highlights. bad news, if you [concede], the video of you [eating shit] will be played over and over again.

last, goalies are the [backbone] of the defence! when the team is fucked, its the goalie that has shit smeared all over his face picking up the ball from inside the goal and screaming:" fucking fight! you motherfucking assholes! lets go out and fuck those motherfucking fucks!!!!"

so! i hope you are a little more interested in goalkeeper!
*"[STOP THAT] FUCKIN BULLSHIT AND PLAY SOME [SOCCER]!!!!!!!" [yells] the goalkeeper.*
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2019-03-01 18:14:00 UTC  

-define cockblock

2019-03-01 18:14:00 UTC  

**cockblock**: 1. To [prevent] a male friend or [associate] from [getting some] action.

2. Any such attempt to prevent a male friend or associate from getting some action.
*1. Damn, Johnny just totally [cockblocked] his roommate. Ass.

2. OK, [Isaac's] making his move on [Clarisse] in the living room, and the game is on in fifteen minutes. We're going to have to attempt a cockblock.*
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2019-03-01 18:14:22 UTC  

-define kolin kaepernick

2019-03-01 18:14:22 UTC  

**kolin**: a [sexy mofo] who has a [big] dickk.

*[emily]:[heyy] look at that kolin guy

[megan]:i know hes hugeeeeeee!*
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2019-03-01 18:14:43 UTC  

-define ben shapiro

2019-03-01 18:14:43 UTC  

-define twat swatter

2019-03-01 18:14:43 UTC  

**Twat Swatter**: When a girl stops another girl from getting her [game on]. (The female version of a "[cock blocker]")

Invented by [Dane Cook], said it in his may 2008 show in vegas
*"I was going to [get with] him! [You need to stop] being such a [twat swatter]!"*
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2019-03-01 18:14:43 UTC  

**Ben Shapiro**: [destroyer] of [libtards]
*[libtard]: *says some [dumb shit]*

Ben Shapiro: *appears and snaps fingers*

libtard: *uh oh Ben [i don't feel so good]*

libtard: *fucking disintegrates**
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2019-03-01 18:14:59 UTC  


2019-03-01 18:15:17 UTC  

-define mohammad

2019-03-01 18:15:18 UTC  

**Mohammad**: an amazing friend. someone who can always find a way to make you smile, even though you're [feeling down]. he's easy to [get along] with, and doesn't judge people based on how they look. he can be shy though, pretty quiet. says really random things, and gets hungry quite easily. he is just really awesome, funny, cute, amazing, nice, and sweet. <[33]
*he's [definately] a [mohammad] <3*
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2019-03-01 18:15:34 UTC  

-define mohammad goat

2019-03-01 18:15:34 UTC  

**Mohammad**: an amazing friend. someone who can always find a way to make you smile, even though you're [feeling down]. he's easy to [get along] with, and doesn't judge people based on how they look. he can be shy though, pretty quiet. says really random things, and gets hungry quite easily. he is just really awesome, funny, cute, amazing, nice, and sweet. <[33]
*he's [definately] a [mohammad] <3*
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2019-03-01 18:15:44 UTC  

-define goatfucker

2019-03-01 18:15:44 UTC  

**goatfucker**: A [slur] [Theo Van Gogh] used to describe [militant] Dutch immigrants from Muslim countries. Also sometimes used to describe Muslims in general.
*"This is what our [multicultural society] has brought us: a [climate] of [intimidation] in which all sorts of goatfuckers can issue their threats freely."*
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2019-03-01 19:00:24 UTC  

-define honey badger

2019-03-01 19:00:24 UTC  

**Honey Badger**: [The Chuck Norris] of [the animal] kingdom. No bigger or faster animal ever gives [the honey badger] crap. If they did, that animal wouldn't have the chance to regret it.
*When the [Tasmanian devil] goes to sleep, he [checks] under his bed for [the honey badger].*
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2019-03-01 19:00:58 UTC  

-define Tasmanian devils

2019-03-01 19:00:59 UTC  

**Tasmanian Devil**: When your girl gets kinky and starts spinning on your dick [meanwhile] making the [Looney] [toons] Tasmanian Devil voice.
*Guy 1: My [gf] and I just tried the craziest thing last night.
Guy 2: Really? [What'd] you try?
Guy 1: The Tasmanian Devil..
Guy 2: [Woah].*
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2019-03-01 19:02:57 UTC  

-define jiddy

2019-03-01 19:02:57 UTC  

**Jiddy**: [An adult] who [treats] normal every day circumstances as [corporate] documentable acts to cover there own ass.
*There was a [reported] incident from the [soccer game] Saturday. That Jiddy [intimidated] some kid, then documented a story and somehow became a victim.*
*(<>)* *3 more results*

2019-03-01 19:03:15 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-01 20:56:26 UTC  

-define bum

2019-03-01 20:56:27 UTC  

**bum**: 1. A [homeless person].
2. British/[Australian] equivalent of "butt".
3. To fuck someone [up the arse].
*[A bum] [bummed] me [up the bum].*
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2019-03-01 21:06:28 UTC  


2019-03-01 21:06:28 UTC  

🏧 | **Nyoki**, **daily 💴 credits reset in 2 hours, 53 minutes and 31 seconds.**

2019-03-01 21:07:33 UTC  

-define tax

2019-03-01 21:07:33 UTC  

**tax**: Giving money you don't have to people [you don't know] for a [program] you don't [believe] in.
*It's [income tax] time again. [whoo]. </[sarc]>*
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